Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] is " in BNC.

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1 However , Jim Payne of the SSGA said : ‘ The continued use of a formula based on the end price of a product , whether this price is profitable or loss-making is fundamentally flawed .
2 Whether the destruction was accidental or deliberate is impossible to determine , but the pagan shrine was not rebuilt .
3 The " feeling of knowing " offered either when drunk , drugged , drowsy or asleep is no reliable indication of having achieved a real solution to a problem ; there are unfortunately no short cuts in that direction !
4 Ultimately , of course , whether a cause is held to be direct or indirect is a statement about the state of scientific knowledge at the time ; while one variable may provide an illuminating explanation for a puzzle at one point in time , it is likely to provoke further questions about how it operates at a later date .
5 In Israel , by sharp contrast , anything suggesting the sexual or sensual is strictly banned from the worship of God — as this chapter and chapter 15 make plain .
6 The gharial or gavial is the only member of its family .
7 I think you should n't expect too much from them , but I think anything which makes maths interesting or enjoyable is worthwhile .
8 To assume that the messages from research for the practitioner are clear and straightforward is naive .
9 Also interesting and worthwhile is Verve 's 17-track ‘ Swedish Schnapps Plus ’ release from late last year ( ) ; this is an album of Parker 's quintet recordings ( from 1949–51 ) , as with ‘ The Charlie Parker Story ’ , but with additional interest in the form of trumpeters Red Rodney and Kenny Dorham ( as well as Miles Davis ) and Kenny Clarke and Max Roach on drums .
10 Gooey , brown and revolting is the best way to describe what was , in fact , hydraulic seeding mixture .
11 You have to suffer the officials ' hostility and their slow , interrogative assessment of your visa 's validity , but the contrast between old and new is acute and strikingly pertinent to the state of Romania today .
12 It would encourage the idea that to be old and disabled is not so different from being young and disabled ; that dementia is a mental illness , not an inevitable feature of old age .
13 The trust fund that collects pay-roll taxes from employers and workers and pays out pensions to the old and disabled is running big annual surpluses ( see chart ) .
14 ‘ The best things about being free and easy is I 'm always available , ’ he says .
15 That people are born free and equal is an a priori assumption , argued Duguit , whereas it is an incontestable fact that they were born as members of a collectivity .
16 That individuals and groups should feel free and unintimidated is certainly a necessary condition of free discussion , free decision-making and free consent ; but it is not a sufficient condition .
17 The ECM being essentially free and unregulated is governed by the principles of competition while most domestic money markets have been riddled with monopolistic elements and restrictive practices , e.g. credit ( loan ) allocation rules , which sought to secure a privileged position for certain vested parties such as government borrowers and domestic banks .
18 Material characteristic of medieval Latin writing that is widely exploited in the fabliaux in ways that are often both entertaining and probing is the dogma of antifeminist traditions : traditions which present woman , the daughters of Eve , as generally morally reprehensible and dangerous to man ; insatiable and extravagant sexual sirens with their bodies , and perjurers , temptresses or endless naggers with their tongues .
19 The thing that makes British museums and galleries so exciting and unique is that , unlike American ones , they have a duty to collect not just the high spots of any period , but the average , sometimes even the bad , works of art which represent the context from which the great works of art arose .
20 The conception of serious inquiry as optional is required , it seems , if the demand that inquiry be made self-conscious and rational is to call for justification rather than explanation .
21 WET AND WINDY is a night of progs about how interesting the weather is and encompasses Paul Gambaccini , Peter Greenaway 's ACT OF GOD and the original THE THING .
22 The trouble is that in England a tomato good enough to be eaten raw and unadorned is becoming a good deal more of a rarity than a ripe avocado , and nearly as elusive as a perfect fresh peach or purple fig .
23 While the outcome of the battle between public and private is far off , there is no doubt that during the phase of conflict the viewer is the winner .
24 But the division between public and private is very ambiguous and can not be drawn simply by examining the size of the public sector in the economy and assuming this defines the limit of state influence .
25 In some parts of the state , notably the quasi-autonomous organizations , the distinction between public and private is blurred ( e.g. Dunleavy 1982 : esp .
26 It is something different and playing the game these days when everything is so fast , anything slightly different and unorthodox is good . ’
27 He might even say : ‘ My , how crisp and impressive is Shawcross 's argument up there . ’
28 Also unplanned but unforgettable is one of the B–17s making a one-wheeled landing .
29 If you need a rule of thumb , any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here ; any item which is average or scarce is 70% likely to be here ; anything else is 20% likely to be here .
30 What determines whether people see a glass as half-full or half-empty is mood rather than fact , and change in mood often defies quantification .
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