Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You should be thinking beforehand , is this really right or is n't it ?
2 Dolphins captured in nets can be freed if skippers and crew are sufficiently compassionate or are legally obliged to do so .
3 If there are major disagreements as to concepts ( eg as to whether the warranties are to be very detailed or are merely trying to catch material items ) it may be necessary to have a meeting of the principals to resolve the concepts against which the agreement is to be negotiated .
4 personal tax , so the full tax is payable if there are two or more people in the household , while half the tax is payable if the property is empty or is not a sole residence .
5 Was change incremental or was there a sudden , sharp turning point ?
6 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
7 Thus if deg unc is primitive and is also irreducible in Q[x] [ by 1.9.15 ] .
8 The burden of the survey findings seems clear and is rather disheartening for the Thatcher project .
9 It added : ‘ Our position has always been that there is no truth in the rumours concerning Mr Major 's private life : our article made this clear and is not therefore defamatory of him or of Ms Latimer .
10 The position used to be quite clear and is well summed up in what Scott LJ had to say in the wartime case concerning the soap flakes :
11 Their purpose was quite clear and was quite different .
12 She saw Tom 's brow clear and was absurdly gratified to find that her advice was of some use to him .
13 The six other young patients were clear and were immediately isolated from the infected four .
14 He is a robust pro-European and was also the key player in securing a victory for the Prime Minister at the EC summit in Edinburgh .
15 Thus it follows that skill training is more generalised and generalisable and is better fitted to the overall role of human operators .
16 Since substitution and ellipsis are purely grammatical relations which hold between linguistic forms rather than between linguistic forms and their meanings , the details are highly language-specific and are therefore not worth going into here .
17 My own view , as a non-slalom paddler , is that slalom has become too specialized and is no longer in the mainstream of canoeing .
18 More than 1 million ha are currently classified as severely saline and are mostly unsuitable for crop production because of either highly saline water in the root zone or the presence of salt crusts on the soil .
19 Wallace looked menacing and was through at one point when Burrows hacked him down ( the scouser should have been sent off for that and a clear ‘ professional foul ’ in the second half against Deane ) .
20 Early visitors to Madeira and Porto Santo were rowed to the beach when the sea was calm and were then carried on the backs of boatmen who rolled up their trousers and waded ashore .
21 ‘ A period commencing after the effective date of insurance and in respect of which the Customer is registered in the United Kingdom with the Department of Employment ( DHSS in Northern Ireland ) as unemployed and is actively seeking Employment ’ .
22 We , on this side , are concerned about the plight of unemployed and are currently running training schemes to help them back into labour market .
23 The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways .
24 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
25 The use of weights coupled with longer exercise periods is very demanding and is only intended for serious athletes .
26 I am finding your mag interesting and am not having to dive for the dictionary too often .
27 I find the magazine very interesting and am very proud to be a member .
28 This proved to be more interesting and was certainly more lively by way of finds — every few yards produced a Georgian or Jacobean halfpenny .
29 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
30 The Summer Ale is designed to be light and is only about 3.6 per cent alcohol .
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