Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He 's very successful , very funny and on his way to the top . ’
2 Mohammed is Lebanese and in his mid 40s .
3 Baldwin 's reply was not very different from words lie had used to the July deputation , but this time of course lie was speaking in public and with his words immediately available for all to refer to :
4 Not to a Jewish God , not to a Christian one , not in Hebrew or English but in his native Polish , and to whatever power it was that made the stars shine , and the clouds drift , a lone wolf howl and an eagle fly free over wild country .
5 He was very small , sandy-haired , sharp-featured and with his sense of smell so well developed that it was rumoured that he had sniffed out a suicide in Epping Forest even before the animal predators got to it .
6 The heat was becoming torrid and under his armpits his shirt was pasted to his body .
7 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
8 The silence was unbroken but for his own laboured breathing .
9 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
10 Asif Mujtaba had made his first Test half-century and seemed quite settled , while England will have felt apprehensive about Salim Malik after he was spared at 22 by Gooch at slip , low and to his left , off Lewis .
11 Already when my father was still alive and under his instructions , I inventoried his complete collection of drawings , carefully noting down memories aroused in him by the sight of these works dating from his life before 1914 in the company of Modigliani .
12 The police say the man they 're looking for is around five feet 10 inches tall and in his late twenties .
13 He is very quick and despite his ‘ angelic ’ looks is very hard .
14 YASSER ARAFAT , the Palestine Liberation Organisation leader , emerged bruised but with his popularity enhanced yesterday from a crash landing of his aircraft in a Libyan desert sandstorm .
15 In the homoeopathic approach , on the other hand , the treatment is determined not by the condition from which the patient is suffering but from his or her reaction to that condition , the totality of the symptom picture .
16 This puts any deep analysis out of the question and Rassendyll can remain the conventional , generalised preux chevalier which the story demands , dying with his honour intact but with his love unachieved .
17 Slight and in his mid-twenties , he moved with energetic nervousness , his sharp eyes darting in all directions , as if on constant guard against a knife in the back — a worrying habit which I have since come to associate with compulsive back-stabbers .
18 The prince arrived 15 minutes late but during his hour-long visit to a 60th anniversary reception for the BBC , he made no reference to the news of his marriage split .
19 David Rosen was short and in his mid-forties , a study in pale human colours with hair and lashes the shade of weak orange squash and fine skin dusted with light freckles which , in certain lights , appeared to oscillate .
20 Mantilla ordered the dismissals of the officer concerned and of his commander .
21 In subsection ( 2 ) above ‘ necessaries ’ means goods suitable to the condition in life of the minor or other person concerned and to his actual requirements at the time of the sale and delivery . ’
22 George Hurst did not remain aloof and at his insistence , a system of industrial training was begun , the inmates undertaking the manufacture of all articles of clothing , the knitting of stockings , tailoring , and shoe-making .
23 The citation which won the award , written by David Lowe , a school board member , read : ‘ Mr Crosbie 's commitment , dedication , innovation and leadership have been far and beyond his call of duty . ’
24 He drew not only on his spiritual but on his physical experiences .
25 Oblivious , restless and with his heart beating wildly , he was running , feeling more breathless , more giddy , sicker , wishing he was able to come to rest .
26 He certainly swooned : the sheer volume of the blood , bright and red and over his thighs and smearing his belly , and sticky now on his fingers .
27 He reached into his inside jacket pocket , drew out a fine black leather wallet , flicked it open and with his long tanned fingers slid out a printed business card .
28 In his isolation tank in the Salt Lake City Tabernacle of Joseph , naked but for his mirrorshades , Nguyen Seth sampled Jazzbeaux 's memories .
29 It was a terrible sin for his elder brothers to smoke or drink , or for Martin to go to bed unwashed or with his homework undone .
30 Section 1A(2) provides that a claim for damages for bereavement shall only be for the benefit of the wife or husband of the deceased and , where the deceased was a minor who was never married , for the benefit of his parents , if he was legitimate and of his mother if he was illegitimate .
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