Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the women may be isolated and destructive or glamourous and powerful ; possible to be pitied , perhaps to be envied .
2 A design or part of a design can be mirror imaged both vertically and / or horizontally , rotated through 90 degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise and doubled in length and / or width .
3 Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone , LC , said that the question was whether a parental veto came within the band of possible reasonable decisions and not whether it was right or mistaken and that there was a band of decisions within which the court should seek to replace the individual 's judgment with his own .
4 a non arbitr , well let's use their language , objective criteria on which it 's judge application to the membership , erm , and I 'm only , I 'm only imagining this , but I 'm , but as a matter of common sense one would of thought that one would n't like subjective or arbitrary and er indeed unknown criteria to apply erm , as , as in my point of view , as a matter of fairness , but er my question is and it was before and I , I 'm not sure I hoist in your answer , where , where does that fit in to article eighty five ? ,
5 The amount of the penalty , recoverable by the Registrar , varies according to whether the company is private or public and to the length of time that the default continues ; the minimum being £100 for a private company and £500 for a public company when the default is for not more than three months and the maximum £1000 for a private and £5,000 for a public company when the default exceeds 12 months .
6 It is important that the ferrets should not become upset or bewildered and , just as I condition my loose ferrets to muzzles before working them while wearing one , I find that it pays to give line ferrets the opportunity to become accustomed to both collar and line .
7 Their rhythms of body temperature and the elimination of materials in the urine , and whether they are asleep or awake and active , ( the sleep/wake cycle ) , all continue .
8 Set your opening move too low or unambitious and it will be difficult later to achieve a settlement well away from this starting point .
9 The rural population must be low or dwindling and be extensively dependent on agricultural activity .
10 PEPIT will follow F&C 's investment philosophy : intelligent use of gearing and cautious but steady buying into quality during turbulent or depressed and gloomy markets .
11 Conciliation officers are often reluctant to express an opinion about the likelihood of success before the tribunal , but will make clear an opinion whether the case appears to them one which is strong or weak and so ought to settle .
12 It is important for the prosecution case to try to identify the tyre by taking the tyre or batch number which will usually be something like 824927 E , on the tyre wall in letters and figures about I cm high — in about a quarter of all checks the number is nonexistent or illegible and the police officer should try to remember other forms of identification such as marks or scratches etc. on the tyre .
13 Frequency of repetition will depend on whether the condition is acute or chronic and the vitality of the patient .
14 Medical students who fail to do this , who show their own distress and pain at the plight of the patient , are identified as unsuitable or unprofessional and expected to ‘ harden up ’ .
15 If they are frail or disabled and housebound they often become members of the tea-toast-and-tinned-soup brigade , and develop various kinds of vitamin-deficiency diseases .
16 The British Births Survey of 1970 collected information on all babies born alive or dead and their mothers , during the birth week .
17 It used to be thought that a species was either monogamous or polygamous and that , in this respect at least , its behaviour was fixed .
18 There are in staffrooms ( as there are in every institution ) tacit rules that define what is collectively thought of as normal , acceptable , odd or inept and which therefore influence the kind of reputation and influence an individual has .
19 ‘ There are so many more cross-border deals today , and if you can speak German or French or Japanese and you go for a job against somebody who is equally qualified but only speaks English , you will get hired . ’
20 believing that there is something wrong with being lesbian or gay and referring for treatment ;
21 One gets the impression that accountants are always foolish or dishonest and accountancy itself a waste of time .
22 But he saw the prayers of the Church as a living and fruitful tradition which threw up new ideas , some on reflection wrong or offending and to be rejected , others the seeds of devotion .
23 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
24 An argument over which bulls are best ; British or Canadian and American is causing quite a rumpus .
25 The majority of leg ulcers ( 286 : 61 per cent ) appeared to be healing ; 101 ( 21 per cent ) were sloughy or necrotic and 65 ( 14 per cent ) showed signs of infection .
26 The transactions demand for money arises because individuals receive their incomes weekly or monthly and yet have to pay for many of the goods and services they buy on a day-to-day basis .
27 This benefit can be direct or indirect and is sometimes referred to by lawyers as ‘ consideration ’ .
28 ‘ There is all the difference in the world between withholding medical treatment that 's either painful or futile and deliberately withholding food .
29 It had hardened without foot- or paw-print and stretched pale and virginal up the side of the house , the only imperfection being a small superfluous ‘ tab ’ where a sliver of wet cement had oozed through the battening .
30 Episodes occur when winds are very light or calm and when upward dispersal of pollution is inhibited by a strong thermal inversion which acts as a lid to vertical movement of pollutants .
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