Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is that when a parent is feeling depressed or overwrought it is difficult for them to think of alternative strategies .
2 ARE Soaps just right or do you think we need more fun ?
3 The employers acknowledged that management should accept responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce them .
4 Let us go , says the second proposition , and find somebody else , some wise man who will be able to answer the unanswerable , who can tell us which are the sheep who can properly raise their prices , and which the goats who ought to keep their prices stable or lower them ; and then , when he tells us , we will all go and scream blue murder at the goats and make them thoroughly ashamed and sorry for themselves .
5 First then the proposition that management should accept a responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or to reduce them .
6 Do you think that 's , do you think that 's what what you 've experienced there , do you think that 's untypical or do you think that 's a fairly good example of of of life in that part of Westerhailes ?
7 Neither of these reasons for creating assemblies at the district and provincial levels implied a desire to make them broadly representative or to give them much clout , but as the draft legislation passed through the upper reaches of the government keen reformers got their hands on it .
8 Highlighting Labour 's key theme of the NHS , he said voters faced a stark choice : to build up the health service under Labour or to break it up under the Conservatives .
9 The local people caught them in vast numbers for food , eating them fresh or drying them in the sun , and until recently they made up 80 per cent or more of the total catch .
10 Do the Labour Party want it banned to reduce smoking or to increase it ?
11 Whether your hair is naturally curly or permed it needs extra special care to keep it in tip-top condition .
12 Respect for their seniors was near the top of the list … however high or humble they might be .
13 So be it when I shall grow old or let me die .
14 Oh yeah I mean if you wanted to also link that with multicultural situation or or cross cultural or comparing it with other ones I mean that 's no problem .
15 A major recession makes innovation risky and discourages it , but in such a period the more adventurous entrepreneurs see the opportunity to profit by investing in new innovations .
16 Mike dragged me clear and carried me into the house .
17 Your skin is like creamy blossom and your eyes are so clear and grey they can see into the soul .
18 ‘ It was only intended as a short-term measure , ’ Schaffer objected , ‘ to keep the valley clear and give us the best possible chance for a manhunt . ’
19 She recalled singing in both operas at Boosback as a 16-year-old and says she was amazed to be given the female lead in The Beggars ' and only three weeks in which to learn the words and music !
20 People come up to them daily and thank them for helping with ‘ the best thing that 's happened to the valley in decades . ’
21 She lifted off a heavy daily and brought it to me .
22 In the legal context , we need to feel that the prohibitions of laws , in the way they are defined and in the way they are applied , are justifiable and influence us all equally ( or , again , if they do not , that they discriminate on acceptable grounds ) .
23 If you forget , the helicopter will resume flying crabwise and give you a fairly gentle reminder .
24 Failing that , make Punch a monthly instead of a weekly and charge us more .
25 I have no idea how I was , although Jack and my relieved director assured me that the audience had just been coolly first-nightish and we , the cast , had stayed calm and thawed them into real pleasure and ultimate Rejoycing .
26 At this moment it was difficult to recall how quiet , calm and determined she had been .
27 She was quite calm and told me to get a watch and try and time how far apart the pains were .
28 She gives her half-laugh and tells me she does n't know how old people generally are when they get married .
29 The tabloid press will publish stories of dole scroungers laying in bed all day , living the life of Riley on the dole , blaming the unemployed and making them feel guilty for a desperate plight .
30 Kambiz Atabai , a slim , good-looking and asked him if he would share his secret and Dr Shakhar said by all means .
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