Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Regional CPD convenors met at the third CPD Forum in Windsor in October , which was this year sponsored by the Architects ' Journal .
2 In June there were a number of developments in Soviet-United States relations designed to repair the political damage caused earlier in the year by differences over the Gulf war , the Soviet crackdown in the Baltic republics , and difficulties in arms control negotiations .
3 One of the busiest streets was Fisherton for hundreds of country people flocked into the City , taking advantage of the very economical Saturday tickets offered by the railway .
4 Next lies the mid-Devon synclinorium consisting of strongly folded Devonian and Carboniferous Culm Measures typified by slaty cleavage , with K-Ar deformation ages of 290–270 Ma ( Late Carboniferous-Early Permian ) .
5 British Telecom profits doubled in one year and the public waited for increases in telephone charges , the the usual consequence .
6 FOREIGN Secretary Douglas Hurd last night demanded the immediate release of three British UN officers kidnapped by Khmer Rouge in Cambodia .
7 As a way of emphasizing the first charge , TV commercials were run , including clips from old Reagan films embellished with slogans such as ‘ Vote for a real governor , not an acting one ’ , or ‘ Over the years Ronald Reagan has played many roles .
8 J S French Jay Fasteners Limited
9 A UK-backed debt plan based on the so-called Trinidad terms agreed at a Commonwealth finance ministers ' meeting in Trinidad in September 1990 , enabling the poorest debtor countries to have two-thirds of their debt written off and the remainder rescheduled over 25 years , failed to win support after opposition from Japan and the USA .
10 Later , I applied one of my favourite PD utilities called Hdtest to mark all bad sectors , but most of the disk space used by that directory was recovered .
11 Here are brief extracts from public Elgar performances caught on the wing .
12 FOUR soldiers will give evidence tomorrow at inquests into the deaths of three top IRA men ambushed by the SAS .
13 To enter , name the 10 Historic Scotland properties pictured and answer the questions relating to them .
14 Accordingly , difference and Sim-weighted Fourier maps phased from the protein model were calculated at 20–4Å resolution , and inspected using the computer graphics program FRODO .
15 Artificial amorphous PHB granules prepared as described are stable in aqueous suspension at 30 °C for at least 6 months .
16 The boundaries ( ▾ ) of coding segments ( 1–6 , 8 , 9 , bold face ; see also Fig. 2 ) are designated , as are the positions ( overline ) of bovine GGF peptides listed in Table 1 .
17 12.3 First , second and third-order Chebyshev responses compared with the third-order Butterworth and ideal low-pass responses .
18 That collection by itself was more important than all the authentic Modigliani drawings published during my father 's life-time .
19 The Marshall Islands are one of several low-lying Pacific nations threatened with inundation as sea levels rise because of the influence of the ‘ greenhouse effect ’ .
20 A delegation from IT Division visited Japan for the annual DTI/MTI Talks held on 25th–26th March , which included an Expert Session on IT .
21 On Aug. 20 the remaining SPD ministers resigned from the government .
22 Princes Square mixes old and new in a fashion reminiscent of a film set , while the Italian Centre has elements of real Glasgow buildings jumbled freely with neo-classical replication and a sparse metallic modernism that the critic is lost for words .
23 With a round of state elections taking place on Nov. 8 , Salinas 's apparent acknowledgement of the electoral fraud issue stimulated rather than placated opposition protests ( as had been the case on those recent occasions when Salinas had been seen to intervene to remove victorious PRI candidates accused of gross electoral fraud — see pp. 38385 ; 38524 ; 38716 ; 38905 ; 39136 ) .
24 Merton 's early Edinburgh appearances read as a catalogue of disasters : one year he was set upon by a gang of burly Scottish lads when seeking to compete in the poster wars engulfing the festival , and another year he was rushed to hospital after only one show , having broken a leg in an intercomedian football friendly .
25 He has also been involved in the successful annual Swaledale Marathons run by SOC .
26 8.3 Basic C-R filters loaded with resistance R L ; ( a ) low pass and ( b ) high pass .
27 The synchronized fire of two 7.62 M134 General Electric Mini-Gun machine-guns strafed the alleyway .
28 Is the global food strategy of the United States designed to undermine the capacity of Third World countries to feed themselves , and render them dependent on cash crop earnings to buy food from ever-bulging US silos supplied by fully mechanized US farms ?
29 They predict that if no controls are placed on CFC and halon emissions there will be over 150 million extra cases of skin cancer in white US citizens born before 2075 .
30 The floor , square Shropshire flagstones laid on the diagonal , was covered with a typical Welsh sandwich of fertiliser bags and fitted carpet .
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