Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In future it will run on Thursdays and it 's designed for people who are a bit shy or who want to protect their anonymity . ’
2 One would expect those whose dementia was more advanced or who had more problematic home circumstances to be heavier consumers of community care services , and thus to cost more to sustain at home .
3 This compared with 26 per cent of the women without an intimate tie with husband or boyfriend , but who reported a confiding relationship with another person ( seen at least weekly ) , and with 41 per cent of those who had a confidante seen less than weekly or who had no such relationship at all .
4 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
5 They are people who would like to work but believe no work is available , lack the schooling , training , skills , or experience required by employers , are thought by employers to be too young or too old or who have other personal handicaps in finding a job .
6 He thought it was funny and who needs a Mary Poppins LP , a Beatles poster , a sequinned belt , anyway .
7 Let us take an example of someone who is now thirty-five years old and who has been somewhat overweight , say between 15 and 30 lb , for at least ten years .
8 The only way we can achieve such standards is to have a chief inspector who is independent and free and who brings integrity to the partnership .
9 Gosse was a Plymouth Brother , and a marine biologist who had made aquaria popular and who ran seaside field-trip/holidays for those interested in natural history .
10 Applicants whose native language is not English and who do not hold a recognized qualification in English will be required to provide evidence that they are sufficiently competent in the use of the English language .
11 Applicants whose native language is not English and who do not hold a recognized qualification in English will be required to provide evidence that they are sufficiently competent in the use of the English language .
12 It is important to appoint someone reliable and who understands your wishes .
13 You only have to look at what gets funded and who evaluates the proposals .
14 Now , I know many pe , persons who have liked smoking but who have to , for some reason or other , maybe raised blood pressure , to give up and they have managed to do it and quite easily , because they have desperately wanted to .
15 The careful and precise manner in which these financial arrangements were laid down suggests that many who served saw the war as essentially a business enterprise holding out the promise of substantial rewards for those who were fortunate or who distinguished themselves in the field .
16 They may be good business for surveyors , but they are a waste of money for those buyers who are unsuccessful or who have to pull out for one reason or another .
17 As a general rule those young people who join the YTP will be the 11+ failures whose career at secondary school continued to be unsuccessful and who left school with little or no qualifications .
18 In contrast , other people who are afraid of being ordinary and who miss the diversion of continual excitement may need to create a series of crises and emotionally charged situations to reassure themselves that they are alive .
19 The Royal Commission on Legal Services described them as ‘ … indispensable in a number of ways : they provide pre-trial advice to defendants who are often confused or ignorant and who have not previously obtained it , they encourage the adequate preparation of bail applications and help to reduce the number of ill-advised pleas , whether of guilt or innocence , and the number of remands required . ’
20 I saw people who came in pretty straight but who changed their attitudes and opinions drastically .
21 Murray , a boy who was well-liked but who shone at nothing , was also proud of his status as a Colour Bearer and a member of the school council , and took seriously his obligations of exemplary citizenship .
22 Crowe and Anthea Warburton lay parallel , Anthea pale only by contrast with Lady Rose 's bright darkness , and with the sunburnt red earth colour of Crowe , who had the look of a man bronzed against nature by willpower and decisive planning , a man whose ruddiness was made for peeling crimson but who had constrained his skin to stay on — even the thin shiny tonsure — and go terra-cotta .
23 Cecil Rhodes , whom no one thought of as retiring and who expected to be remembered for a thousand years , chose , it will be remembered , as his instrument to achieve the infinite expansion of the British empire a secret society .
24 We know now who was right and who deceived the public . ’
25 That 's right that 's right and who knows , you might get a good one .
26 That 's right and who knows .
27 fairground giant with whom Doctor Marigold becomes friendly and who draws his attention to the deaf-mute whom Sophy eventually marries .
28 One of the pupils of Northampton High School to achieve distinction was Bernard L. Pitcher , who was born deaf and who received six years of private tuition before entering the school .
29 The social standing of deaf people may also have in no small way been aided by the Princess of Wales ( later Queen Alexandra ) who was stone deaf and who used fingerspelling as well as lipreading to communicate .
30 Three signers were presented as illustrations : a deaf man ( signer 1 ) , a hearing man with eight years ' experience ( signer 2 ) and a hearing man whose parents were deaf and who learned BSL as a first language ( signer 3 ) .
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