Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Go easy on vigorous exercise , especially during the first three months when you need as much rest as possible or if you are suffering from high blood pressure .
2 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
3 You can tell me if I 'm right or if I 'm wrong .
4 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
5 I went over to him wondering if something was wrong or if he was just being lazy .
6 I think that it ought to be self-evident , erm if we 've done our programme in a way which er , is clear or if we 've presented it in a clear fashion , then I think sequence and clashes er and safety , to a large extent , become self-evident .
7 You probably know instinctively if those whom you meet are genuinely interested or if they are inquisitive , curious , trying to manipulate or probe .
8 He does seem to suggest , that if you 're directly interested or if you have a direct interest in something you ca n't take an objective view , and I would say that actually , members have shown their ability to erm , to achieve something different from that , the way they wear different hats at different committees , Mr comes to mind where he will argue for the D S O's , at the D S O managing board , and for the client at Education Committee .
9 ( Nearly new stalls at Rallies are proving popular or if you have access to a VHS video system , a coffee morning might raise a few funds ) .
10 Unfortunately this can occur either if the illumination is too dim or if it is too bright .
11 it 's the same with written communication as well , being clear and if you 're not clear then make it clear .
12 Make sure that the story you have for them is interesting and if it is merely constituency information , explain that you are providing it for background briefing and that you are not expecting them to publish it .
13 Er the centre 's supposed to be totally non-political and if it ever got political , they 'd close us down .
14 We are still attempting to persuade people that the figures they have been given or have invented are wrong and if we operate on the real figures there is no reason for mass closures of elderly persons homes and we are still attempting to make the refurbishment programme work as best we can to achieve the most we can in the shortest period and for the least money .
15 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
16 Yeah catching rabbits a hedge and cut down a stick you know at the corn on the old and if we were lucky we used to get erm we used to er seat the old fella on the boiler and have a ride round on one of the horses .
17 And in those days if you were old and if you were poor , … that was the end of the road .
18 So the craft show , er adults are a pound , there 's easy free parking , children are free and if you want two tickets give us a ring , but make a note Nottingham University , this craft show , Jessie Conference Centre , Nottingham University , Friday and Saturday November the twenty six and twenty seventh from ten A M till six P M.
19 damp and If you get me back to mum 's for about three o'clock time at the latest to take her to Osborne House .
20 Our investigative researchers ventured into the centre of London to find out if High Street shops are dog-friendly and if they 're not , why not ?
21 Boys , as well , are quite popular and if you like one especially , you might give him your painting !
22 Is it not the case , as was pointed out at the time of the French Revolution by the Abbé Sieyes , that if the second chamber agrees with the first it is superfluous and if it disagrees it is mischievous ?
23 However , in the event you are not likely to want to do that , the embroidery usually looks delightfully spontaneous and if it does n't balance you can generally add an extra petal to help it out .
24 As with any other policy the insurers will commonly require exclusions against the following : ( 1 ) The adequacy of insurance arrangements The view of the insurers is that it should be for the purchaser to determine whether existing insurance cover for the business is adequate and if it is not to increase the level of cover with effect from completion .
25 I think almost daily there were discussions between our two shop stewards and the quarry owners about you know , levels of production , expected targets , increase in production and all this , and er I think you know through those daily discussions we made our side of the argument known and we we told him that we 'd work to rule if things were n't proper and if we did n't like it .
26 ‘ It 's not very proper and if I were on my feet you would n't say things like that . ’
27 That 's understandable and to some extent justifiable but if it creates the impression in anyone 's mind that the U S has a presidential system of government er then they would be sadly mistaken .
28 And that 's wrong but if you , if you told Carole that she would n't believe you .
29 As Victoria Wood said , if it 's in bad taste it 's not funny but if it 's funny it 's not in bad taste . ’
30 We 're a school choir — if there are many youth choirs , who can draw from several schools around the area there then the chances of our getting anywhere are slim but if it 's large school choirs then I think we probably do stand a fair chance .
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