Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] say she " in BNC.

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1 She recalled singing in both operas at Boosback as a 16-year-old and says she was amazed to be given the female lead in The Beggars ' and only three weeks in which to learn the words and music !
2 Because of this she felt generous and said she had realised some time ago that a really beautiful man was very much more beautiful than the most beautiful woman , and was n't that interesting .
3 For once Miss Coldharbour had looked uncomfortable and said she 'd have to ask Canon Wheeler , from which Julia had inferred that they had hoped to get her for free .
4 Aware of further frosty looks from Seb 's parents Nutty looked suitably repentant and said she was sorry for trespassing .
5 She apologizes for being thirty seconds late and says she 's been having her nails done .
6 actually married and said she was n't looking forward to going , but I 'd imagined she would enjoy it when she got there
7 The day after we all met you she assured me she 'd say nothing damaging and said she 'd convinced Merlyn who 'd arranged another meeting on the boat .
8 He adored her for it and when Wilson chose to murmur against her interest , saying she could not see how it could be real , he was angry and said she was narrow and selfish , like most women .
9 ‘ They were really apologetic but said she had to come in . ’
10 The victim 's mother later attacked the sentence as being too lenient and said she is considering an appeal .
11 Whereupon she came out into the open and said she would choose Arts .
12 She was allowed home on February 3 although she felt unwell and said she could not feel the baby moving .
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