Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] it have " in BNC.

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1 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
2 Whether the less common B II state actually exists in solution is not clear and it has been suggested that its appearance may be linked to crystal packing effects ( 3–5 ) .
3 from a distance it looks more black than brown and it has a most interesting tail which , when closed , looks like one of the flippers scuba divers wear .
4 She said the notice was very detailed and it had taken longer than expected to draw up .
5 Unlike many psychodynamic theories , this one is at least susceptible to proof or disproof and it has just been comprehensively disproved .
6 His last interview with a solicitor had been conducted in a language barely recognizable as English and it had taken over three hours and a reference to the Chief Constable to elicit the fact that the deceased had made a previous will in which the respective positions of his wife and his mistress had been exactly reversed .
7 The Lycoming 0–320 B3B engine is very reliable and it has a TBO of 2000 hours but only when half inch valves are fitted .
8 And it was real crisp and it had prawn in it .
9 In a move which has upset Leeds ' manager Howard Wilkinson , Batty said : ‘ I had heard that Blackburn were interested but it has all happened so quickly .
10 I think I 'll stick with Lulu — I 'm not superstitious but it 's been so good for me up until now that I 'm not going to throw it away .
11 Erm it 's a few years old but it 's hardly had any use .
12 No I looked on the virginal and it had more saturates in than this
13 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
14 To be effective , an innovation has to be simple and it has to be focused .
15 Organ jazz has for a long time been club-trendy but it has taken until now for a new artist to come through to match the likes of Jimmy Smith and ‘ Big ’ John Patton with whom she shares a clear affinity in her choice of rhythms and blues inflections .
16 The present system may not be perfect but it has worked pretty well and would be capable of improvement and adjustment without the need to go back to the drawing board . ’
17 ‘ It is n't easy but it has to be attempted .
18 The company is reasonably profitable and it has very little long-term debt .
19 And I think it 's great , and it 's uniformed and it 's played at the opening of , of the Fire Service technical college at Morton March , it was invited to play there with the other bands and erm before the Queen , and er so it 's , it 's gone on , from strength to strength and we are very proud of it , we really are .
20 so they got that and the carpet it had been seven ninety nine in Allied and it had been reduced three ninety nine for a week
21 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
22 The people are very tolerant and it has been overheard that I speak better Portuguese than I do English .
23 Of the three methods being considered , this is the most controversial and it has dominated the debate about paying for water .
24 The heartache and suffering over the centuries has made them tough and strong and it 's been a slow evolution .
25 The champagne tasted sharp and dry and it had lost its fizz .
26 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
27 Speaking after delivering an emotional tribute to his party workers , he said : ‘ There 's a great deal of serious reflection that has to go on in the opposition parties , but I 've no doubt that most of the reflection has to take place within Labour and it has to take place on the subject of PR .
28 Where he exceeded expectation and all precedents was in making the ban total , but this clearly was just the element which was negotiable and it had the effect of extending the king 's patronage of both church and laity .
29 That 's a bit like that thingy but it was bald and it 'd got a bad , ever such a bad
30 Not exactly five star , but the food 's okay and it 's got a pretty terrace bar overlooking the river .
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