Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] before [be] " in BNC.

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1 It had to be thoroughly discussed with all interested parties before being submitted for publication , and the speed of publication was about average for this sort of paper .
2 Self and Citrine frequently had to sit through the same item of business as it made its way through three , or in extreme cases five , formal meetings of different bodies before being finally approved .
3 Work on the project started last year when Bennington developed prototypes which were put through months of stringent trials before being approved for flight use .
4 That evening , Anderson , at a subdued dinner with McKendrick and Chetwyn , argues with McKendrick about ethical problems before being approached by Hollar 's wife , whom he had met at the searching of the apartment ( scene eight ) .
5 Mittal asserted that he had been abducted from outside his home and later beaten and tortured with electric shocks before being left at a police station .
6 The child died of horrific multiple injuries before being left on a railway line where he was struck by a train , police said yesterday .
7 Despite inclusion in the Christie 's preview and plans for a pre-sale tour before the sale , the picture was suddenly withdrawn for undisclosed reasons before being catalogued .
8 They were allowed twenty two sparse words before being taken to a Nazi Concentration camp .
9 The fifth and sixth defendants had been employed by a group of companies of which the plaintiffs were a part in senior positions for short periods before being dismissed .
10 What it does mean is that each employer will identify a specific number of vacancies which will be reserved for Compact graduates before being offered more widely .
11 You step over piles of old papers and up past several floors of small businesses before being welcomed into the small , busy room that seems to be all the space that the magazine requires .
12 As I have already hinted , there had always been a biochemical puzzle about how proteins or RNA might work in these transfer experiments , because all such large molecules are rapidly degraded in the gut and broken down into their component amino or nucleic acids before being taken into the general metabolism of the recipient .
13 Minor items may spend many years at the various stages before being settled .
14 Members of the around 5,000-strong crowd smashed windows before being forced back by parliamentary guards and police using water-cannon .
15 Graham Connah 's excavations in 1964 , for the Department of Antiquities , revealed that tin-bronze was available in 13th-century Benin where it was cast into ingots in open moulds before being smithed into bracelets .
16 claiming two and two shared victories before being shot down in flames and burned .
17 Then the prime minister 's Tristar jet was buffeted by freak 200-mile-an-hour winds before being diverted from Ottawa to Montreal due to fog .
18 Though not all his points are equally well taken , there can be no doubt that he is right in his basic assertion that the Kanunname is shot through with anachronisms suggesting sixteenth-century alterations and additions and that any provision of it must be treated with reserve and checked against other sources before being accepted as being genuinely of the time of Mehmed II .
19 Candidates have to satisfy the examiners that they have reached a sufficiently high standard in all assessable essays before being permitted to continue to the dissertation .
20 At 36 tons each it was an interesting engineering project to slide the old boilers across the floor of the boilerhouse on special rollers before being craned onto a low loader .
21 We looked up to see the safety diver frantically untangling himself from suddenly treacherous lines before being bumped by this moving mountain .
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