Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and see " in BNC.

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1 If we really wanted to find out whether the unwesternised Wolof were capable of expressing different points of view , we could do worse than to look for instance at their political activities and see whether , in factional disputes , the lobbying that takes place indicates such an awareness .
2 Just make three-quarter swings and see how your strikes improve .
3 The visitor can tour old workings and see demonstrations of the techniques involved particularly slate cutting , in which skilled men using only a hammer and chisel can split blocks of slate into sheets one fortieth of an inch thick .
4 You try telling Granny Morkie about the Good Old Days and see what she says . ’
5 the different versions and see
6 ‘ As I watch , ’ she wrote , ‘ and it gradually gets later , I can begin to understand about different lights and see colours in the scene which I never before would have imagined … ’
7 Let's go through all the different bits and see why , I mean all these all these type of things would indicate a different type of person different types of personality .
8 Book now for ANY 4 of the following performances and see one ABSOLUTELY FREE
9 As they grow up , children begin to understand that they are separate individuals and see that others have a viewpoint too .
10 Take your own voyage of Discovery through the following pages and see for yourself — it truly is the most exciting gas cooking discovery of the century .
11 You 'll swim in the clear blue water of the Pacific , sit on palm-fringed beaches watching magical sunsets and see Hawaii 's lush plantations and forests .
12 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
13 So I 'll jump up and down on his metaphorical toes and see what happens .
14 Okay , erm , if you break a number down into its prime factors , then you can look at the prime factors and see whether other numbers would go into it , so if we take sort of say , three sixty , and find some of its prime factors .
15 If we wish to understand the structure of objective economic inequality in capitalist society , we must understand both of these economic relations and see both as producing distinct social classes .
16 I could go back to the Happy Isles and see what little Moby was up to .
17 It 's a erm it was let's see what we can do to these nasty Labour controlled authorities and see how we can break down their erm their control of education and immediately they introduce it then suddenly the things start happening and they have second thoughts about it , and I 'm sure as night follows day that they 're going to have second thoughts about this when it actually occurs .
18 To measure the expectations of the various communities and see what impact we were having through our investment programme .
19 If appropriate one of our specialist nurses will then arrange to come and see you to discuss your practical needs and see how ACET can help .
20 Christmas is for most of us a magical moment in the year when we gather with our families , sing familiar carols and see the delight in the eyes of the children as they open their stockings and presents .
21 We offer a full day out with a chance to picnic beside the River Wye , then a walk in some of the most spectacular woods on the Welsh Borders and see the wild flowers , on our Riverside walk .
22 To play a part in the problems of geology over the next few decades geomorphologists must forget their trivial catchments and see mega forests instead of trees …
23 This was not only copper-bottomed security , it was a chance to play with the big numbers and see what happened .
24 Picnic beside the River Wye , walk in the spectacular woods and see the wild flowers on our Riverside walk .
25 I love it because it means I get to lots of other countries and see different people and different cultures , and I hate it because it is such a hassle and keeps me away from my family and friends .
26 That , in his view , is long enough to be able to come up with new ideas and see them implemented .
27 But learning things in the hotel room and trying them out on stage the next night leaves it fresh , but gives me room to interject new ideas and see if I can pull them off or not .
28 Er , I think most people now are influenced really by what they know at home er , and erm , today , yet that today they 're , they 're far more er adventurous and they 're far more prepared , prepared to erm try out new ideas and see what they like
29 MCI Communications Corp 's annual report sheds a little more light on the company 's plans for alliances to deliver new services ( CI No 2,139 ) , saying that the company will use its high-speed digital telephone network as the base for multimedia services in alliance with other companies — ‘ With one intelligent , multimedia device — part telephone , part television and part computer — consumers will call up distant relatives and see them while they speak , ’ the annual report says , and the company is not elaborating further ; the report says ‘ a number of trends are emerging , including multimedia wireless communications and distributed processing , ’ and MCI plans to be a player in these trends ; it says the range of companies it is contacting regarding its consortium idea spans several industries under the broad definition of communications , but it is awaiting a response from the Federal Communications Commission to its proposal that consortia rather than individual companies be permitted to run Personal Communications Network before putting any discussions onto a formal basis .
30 ‘ Ring round some of the other magazines and see if the same thing 's happened to them , ’ suggested Alex .
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