Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] on his " in BNC.

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31 Discontent simmered and a new element , political Radicalism , appeared in the shape of peripatetic agitators , critics like William Cobbett who spoke to crowded meetings on his ‘ rural rides ’ through Sussex in 1825 .
32 Clearing his throat noisily , Price perched a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles on his nose and announced he had received a letter from India .
33 His thick lashes made dark fans on his high cheekbones , and firelight flickering on his face emphasised the planes and angles , turning it into a bronze mask .
34 There were small ginger hairs on his chin and his groping mouth stank of beer .
35 In any case he had dangerous worries on his own doorstep .
36 His shirt was open two or three buttons , revealing the strong line of his bronzed throat and the scattering of dark hairs on his chest .
37 But the Fianna Fail Deputy , who is no stranger to controversy , said the scandal could have serious repercussions on his political career .
38 At Wiseton , in the Nottinghamshire plain between the Idle and the Trent , one landlord — Jonathan Ackham — built seven new homesteads on central sites on his estate after enclosure .
39 Had he known that four Pakis were resting their dark arses on his deep leather seats , ready to be driven by his daughter , who had only recently been fucked by one of them , he would n't have been a contented man .
40 The mischief still shone through in those crinkly eyes and the warm smile that had greeted thousands of nervous guests on his TV game show The Price Is Right .
41 Mr Lawson , who has never found it easy to win the affection of the party conference , now faces the trickiest political test of his career in attempting to avert unseemly attacks on his competence from the Conservative grassroots .
42 In a fiery speech at the " peace summit " on May 24 , the king had warned the ANC against verbal attacks on his people , which he called " killing talk " , and said that he would not acquiesce in demands to give up the bearing of traditional weapons .
43 Nevertheless he had to move cautiously , aware of the considerable prospective opposition from the remaining Gladstonians on his own backbenches , from the Conservatives , and from the Lords .
44 He has now undergone a total of 10 operations , of which five have been to straighten up the three remaining toes on his left foot .
45 He wore a T-shirt regardless of the season of the year and kept his hair cropped short enough to reveal the half-dozen tiny scars on his head where the stubble would n't grow .
46 Their travelling days are now all but over , following a recent trip to Guyana , which landed Horace in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases on his return .
47 The Americans watched the bamboo rod rise and fall and heard the sickening thud of wood on flesh and bone ; as the fallen Annamese struggled to raise himself from the dusty road they saw blood welling from the crimson weals on his back .
48 There were some quite nasty-looking cuts on his head , and the sergeant was a bit apprehensive about turning him over .
49 Leaving aside those equity partners who , exceptionally , are never obliged to put cash into the firm , as mentioned in Chapter 4 , the choice lies between : ( 1 ) seeking capital contributions when the new partner joins the firm , he borrowing the amount required as necessary ; or ( 2 ) allowing the new member of the firm to buy his way in over a period out of his profit share , appropriate restrictions on his drawings being imposed as " security " for the agreed payments .
50 Obviously he 's never going to get his chair up serious hills on his own , but is it too much to ask for the planners of country parks and the like to consider less able users when planning level routes such as nature trails ?
51 He looked through the pile of engraved cards on his escritoire .
52 As fate had a habit of doing , it had played what he termed a rather dirty trick for although Martin and his father before him had both found the running of the estate anything but easy as far as money was concerned , this young man would be better off than either of them , for Martin had only within the last year taken out two very large policies on his life , the second when he knew he was going to be married .
53 He had survived six previous attempts on his life .
54 In 1838 having returned from his circumnavigating voyage , Charles Darwin sat down at his desk in his lodgings in Great Marlborough Street , London , to write some brief notes on his views concerning marriage .
55 ‘ Yeah , he had hair like pop stars , those little bobbles on his head . ’
56 This was then applied to the native influences on his economic thought .
57 John Arlott pointed to the importance of Australian influences on his next and so far more important book , The Players .
58 She held his wrist and smoothed the soft hairs on his arm .
59 He was wearing a T-shirt , and she slid her hands beneath it and threaded her fingers through the soft curls on his chest .
60 His injuries were far more serious than he had imagined ; he had incurred third-degree burns on his hands and a serious infection had spread into his bloodstream .
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