Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 All the Okapi work has been done on systems which have been developed at least to a point where they are reliable and complete enough to be installed in a library unattended .
2 And if he was still alert enough to be insulting , his wound might not be so bad after all .
3 Some parents who had n't heard the news brought their children to school as normal only to be turned away .
4 I think it 's a bit of an art — trying to get something that 's concise enough to be published whilst covering all the points you want to raise — especially in reply to twits like .
5 In time , the results may look coherent enough to be defined as Majorism .
6 I 'm spineless enough to be steered away from the obvious , safe , acclaimed designer label choices I had in mind , and it 's already started .
7 Stringfellow was an outstanding designer and builder of small lightweight steam engines , but his model aeroplanes suffered from the twin disadvantages of being too large to be fully tested indoors , and not stable enough to be tested out of doors .
8 But he was stable enough to be transferred from the town 's general hospital to the specialist Walton centre for neurology and neurosurgery in Liverpool , where he remains on a ventilator .
9 They say the interim administration is failing because ‘ they are too poor , they are all school teachers , and they are not rich enough to be politicians ’ .
10 ’ They use the excuse that the shops , especially the ones selling really expensive designer gear are rich enough to be able to afford to lose a few clothes .
11 She had examined each one carefully , discarding then re-examining until she was satisfied that the gift was rich enough without being ostentatious , that the stones , the colours , were right for the girl .
12 This shift in position marked a decline in status as well as income , but was preferable perhaps to being sacked .
13 ‘ Life is bloody awful enough without being unhappy . ’
14 At Chalton in Hampshire and Cowdery 's Down near Basingstoke , the buildings were more regularly laid out but not extensive enough to be called villages , while at Catholme in Staffordshire and Thirlings in Northumberland , the earlier settlements had not only been abandoned , but probably forgotten when areas of ridge and furrow were laid out over the top .
15 These may have been farmsteads or hamlets , but they were certainly not large or extensive enough to be villages , whatever their status or internal arrangements .
16 ( Nor , incidentally , are ‘ Fenland Blows ’ caused by the absence of hedgerows — another common belief ; conventional hedges are simply not tall enough to be effective , only shelter belts of poplars or other tall trees . )
17 The third was tall enough to be seen from the sea , both east and west of the island .
18 Cover boats can lose sight of divers — use surface marker buoys , carry in-water flares , make sure your whistle works and is loud enough to be heard by others .
19 It was impossible to transfer sound waves mechanically from one flat disc to another without getting into geometrical difficulties , and an ordinary gramophone was not loud enough to be put in front of an acoustic recording horn .
20 ‘ Cheek ! ’ she said , in a voice she hoped was loud enough to be heard .
21 Salt windows are generally too weak mechanically to be included in high-pressure apparatus , and the cell shown in Fig. 5.11 ( d ) has diamond windows .
22 Her steely determination , however , had worked , and that very weekend Earl Spencer had been released from hospital and moved into a suite at the Dorchester Hotel , until he was strong enough to be moved home to Northamptonshire .
23 And anyway , you 're not strong enough to be a docker . ’
24 The evidence in favour of dietary fibre as a preventative measure in heart disease is not strong enough to be conclusive at this stage , but is certainly strong enough to be thought-provoking .
25 The evidence in favour of dietary fibre as a preventative measure in heart disease is not strong enough to be conclusive at this stage , but is certainly strong enough to be thought-provoking .
26 They are all strong enough to be soft .
27 The first British single release for this month is still being debated , but whichever track is picked , Me Phi Me is confident his message is strong enough to be heard the world over .
28 But this had been followed by a sense of personal outrage , an emptiness and then a surge of melancholy , not strong enough to be called grief but keener than mere regret , which had surprised him by its intensity .
29 In the next section we shall consider three sceptical arguments which are strong enough to be worth taking seriously .
30 We have played five matches and not lost a rubber so it shows we are strong enough to be in the finals .
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