Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] were [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Okay Mrs erm , can you tell me how old you were when you started your first job ?
2 Alan told me how old they were but I 'm a bit vague about kids , I 'm afraid . ’
3 They were joined , like most of the other foreign armies that came to Lebanon , by a retinue of Lebanese acolytes , of leftist militiamen and Lebanese Baath party functionaries , all of them desperate to explain how delighted they were that the peace-loving Syrians had arrived to save their country .
4 Erm it so happened that that the group that that Britain was supporting perhaps were constitutionalists although Canning was almost erm was always rather scathing about how liberal they were and how constitutionalist they were .
5 Ah , Mary , Mary Shelley , how dear you were and are , beyond all women — and yet what was possible then was only possible because we were mere phantoms in the world , or so we saw it , and scarcely less than phantoms to each other .
6 We did not tell him how glad we were that he had stayed away from the moor !
7 ‘ A number of people remarked to me how lucky we were that the first Green Shopping Day coincided with publication of the Green Consumer Guide , ’ she says with amusement .
8 I know how good you were because I was at that stage in maths where I felt rudderless and becalmed , drifting helplessly as it were , as my peer group — the rest of the fleet — sailed serenely on towards the horizon .
9 On my second outing with the boots I was trying to assess how watertight they were as it was raining heavily .
10 Oh , we 're sure they were but er this was the thing with a private collier company where you had er a sort of , not quite chairman , of the colliery sitting there at the top o in the office , watching everybody come and go .
11 ‘ He saw how unhappy they were and always said when he grew up , he 'd love to take care of children . ’
12 If the amendment to Article 93 were accepted , the Company , and hence the general body of shareholders , would have no choice but to bear such additional costs , however great they were or however many requisitions there may be .
13 If you find it hard to stick to a diet , try keeping a diary for a week where you record what you 've eaten and when , how hungry you were and what sort of mood you were in at the time .
14 Anne wondered if Ella knew just how queer they were but only said , ‘ I think it would be better all round if Cormac tried to get a job .
15 When the news did become public , colleagues who had avoided speaking to me when the going got tough reappeared and said how sorry they were that I was leaving .
16 Since his death , business people had phoned the bank to say how sorry they were and what a good job Mr Miller had done , said Mrs Temple .
17 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
18 When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we cried !
19 so that 's how close we were when we had the blow out thing .
20 that they 've just , you know I mean some of the kids I do n't know where we were going me and Dave somewhere or other we were and there was some kids an and their attitude , you know , it 's well why should we do this , you know
21 When they heard this they cried out with one accord that they would do his bidding , and go out with him and fight under his banner , for certain they were that by his good fortune the Moors would be overthrown .
22 I arrived ten minutes before the train was leaving , wearing a headscarf , and attached myself to a group of schoolchildren , chatting to their teacher about how smart they were and she must be proud .
23 I mean it really does depend upon how secure they were and how much , how much support , ge genuine support they had of the , the masses as a whole , because if they did n't then there 's no way , and people were n't calling for them to establish socialism at that time were they ?
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