Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb base] be " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile a number of less formalised groups have been formed to advise on physical disability , learning difficulties ( separate groups for users and carers ) and HIV/AIDs .
2 Mr FREEDMAN adds : ‘ The hazards of playgrounds to young children are well recognised , and among other measures , absorbent surfaces have been recommended to help reduce the severity of injuries .
3 Two more private estates have been built and the proportion of commuters has risen sharply .
4 Rural groups have been vulnerable for a long time .
5 Realization and distribution of partnership assets will occur after the dissolution has been brought into effect and all outstanding debts have been settled .
6 Various criteria evaluating the outcome of regional policies have been used .
7 There is much to celebrate : thousands of rural clinics have been built , and programmes established to spread information about hygiene and sanitation .
8 Further off in that direction , on the site of the modern village of Makroteichos , there were Minoan houses and traces of Minoan houses have been found as far north as Palaiomilo , some 600 metres north of the temple precinct : beyond this area was the northern cemetery of Zafer Papoura .
9 Following the creation of the National Heritage Memorial Fund , several outstanding houses have been saved with their contents and handed to the National Trust .
10 Significant levels of trading went on outside this inner area , and scattered finds of Minoan products have been made as far west as the Lipari Islands off the coast of Italy , as far north as Troy ( stone lamps ) , and as far east as Egypt and Syria , where Minoan vases made of precious metal have been found .
11 While the latter seems the most likely cause in many blends where specific interactions have been identified , miscible blends can also be obtained when certain statistical copolymers are mixed with either a homopolymer , or another copolymer , in which no such interactions have been located .
12 A number of the more resilient groups have been intensively studied .
13 Nutritional experts have been criticized in the past for expressing themselves so strongly on this point , but they are unrepentant .
14 Two conflicting views have been taken .
15 Since President Siad Barre 's brutal 21-year reign ended , armed groups have been killing each other and civilians simply on account of their clan origin , according to the Amnesty report .
16 In many societies , especially those in which healthy childspacing patterns have been traditional , the will to regulate fertility — at least by spacing — exists , and these patterns may be supported through the provision of modern means of family planning , the spread of relevant information , acceptance of its validity and its correct application .
17 Ten 1:10 000 geological maps have been completed and the preparation of a full suite of thematic maps and a final report for the project is well advanced .
18 Geological maps have been digitised together with the lithology and stratigraphy derived from over 1250 boreholes and geophysical logs from over 70 boreholes .
19 Much later he joined forces with the fledgling Spitalfields Trust , and their efforts have ensured that since 1961 only two more Georgian houses have been destroyed , and those in flagrant defiance of the law .
20 Excavations have revealed fragmentary remains of substantial masonry buildings within the town walls , but no complete plans have been recovered .
21 But that 's the main argument why agricultural policies have been allowed to increase in their severity , rather than erm , fall .
22 In the last few months there has been a flood of people seeking membership , and several regional groups have been set up .
23 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
24 While most political prisoners have been involved iii trade union or political work , there are also cases of people who have boon picked up on suspicion and who have had no history of participation in any organization .
25 Concise definitions have been specially written to be understood by learners
26 LOYALIST prisoners have been banned from wearing Remembrance Day poppies inside a top-security jail because of fears it could provoke republican violence , the Northern Ireland High Court heard today .
27 The professional associations will normally offer a legal advice service in exactly the same way as trade unions and in the medical profession specific groups have been established to provide insurance cover and assist members who are sued .
28 A number of working groups have been set up by the Council to look at these matters , but the truth is that the whole curriculum approach is rendered horrendously difficult by the subject structure and by the inevitable fact that the various subject working party reports are coming on stream over a period of at least four to five years .
29 In Leicester working groups have been set up to look at such issues as energy , transport , waste and pollution , food and agriculture , economy and work , and the environment both natural , man-made and social .
30 state that in their opinion the requirements for exemption are satisfied and the abbreviated accounts have been properly prepared , and
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