Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 During other attacks , Abbey Hill provided warning soon enough for ships to fire rockets full of chaff — metallic strips that produced false echoes on Exocet 's radar .
2 An abacus uses human gall-stones on taut human sinew , the rocking horse has a semi-skeletal head , a set of wooden toy soldiers all have subtle mutations when looked at for a second time , and so on .
3 We thus formally define equivalence of normal forms as follows .
4 But in South Africa today , and surely for a good many years to come , there are also additional considerations that demand from a large company actions and policies that go beyond its immediate business interests and seek to ameliorate the excessive social and economic imbalances that have developed in our society .
5 The law , the result of years of lobbying by the Roman Catholic church , bans abortions in private clinics and puts strict limits on them in public hospitals .
6 She also had strong opinions and found it hard to " brook any delay or frustration .
7 These motives , by dint of repeated presentation to the mind , counterbalance the powerful impressions of the private passions that oppose the common good ( Beccaria , 1963 , p. 12 ) .
8 Some are fitted with halogen bulbs for overall punch , or spots to light specific objects or to highlight .
9 Indeed the " United Front " was further restricted by an NAC decision on 16 February " to limit co-operation with the Communist Party to specific objects as agreed upon by the representatives of the two parties from time to time " .
10 They pointed out that nearly all the studies have focused upon young men and that far less was known about the sub-cultural activities and work careers of young women .
11 If a job starts in normal hours and runs into overtime , that time should be charged at the quarter hour rate .
12 Nordic Water , an offshoot of the building and real estate group , NCC , makes water-treatment products and does design and contracting work for water companies , industry and local authorities .
13 • Liaison between , and close collaboration with , Mashreq country national programs in carrying out all aspects of the Program ; • Assist national program coordinators in developing working plans and monitoring performance ; prepare a variety of documents and reports ;
14 I saw a pool-table , a polythene-wrapped three-piece suite , various devotional ornaments and gewgaws with their special pale glow .
15 But starting the Reformation was only half the battle : turning its principles into practicable policies and maintaining momentum in the face of opposition from determined vested interests was much more difficult .
16 Labels such as ‘ mono-hierarchical ’ , ‘ mono-organizational ’ , ‘ USSR Incorporated ’ ( Meyer 1965 ) , the ‘ organizational society ’ , the ‘ command society ’ ( Rigby 1964 ) and the ‘ administered society ’ ( Kassof 1964 ) are used , implying that the political conflicts and struggles over resources , status and power that take place within the communist state are analogous to those experienced within large corporations .
17 Since 1986 the proportion will have fallen even further , as some Conservative local authorities have sold their old people 's homes to either private operators or housing associations .
18 Will the investment in new wagons be justified by private operators or leasing companies given the uncertainty of the market ?
19 Brand of the Year was awarded for our long term policy of providing modern stores and innovative products while retaining traditional values .
20 The money supply ( MS ) is also exogenous — it is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and does not respond to changes in r or Y.
21 Professionalism We have seen how public sector organisations are made up of professional groups and have briefly discussed their importance for organisations .
22 However , unlike Mills they see professional groups as losing their power and influence rather than as joining the power elite .
23 We are not today a society which can draw upon such political intellects as guided America in the age of Jefferson and Hamilton .
24 The old colonial system stood in the way of any attempt to replace an empire based on bullion imports by a mercantilist empire à la Colbert , reserved for Spanish products and feeding the prosperity of the mother-country ; regimentation had failed when interlopers and smugglers had turned the Castilian monopoly into a fiction , when ‘ Spain kept the cow , the rest of Europe drank the milk ’ .
25 It is the task in front of humanity to arrive at a definition for all controversial acts and to set a value on them ; acts decided as ‘ good ’ contributing to the Godhead , acts decided as ‘ evil ’ detracting there from , and acts of an innocuous nature as ‘ neutral ’ — , and having no effect .
26 So Tommy the waiter carefully hung up his yellow waistcoat with its white lining and ordered some wine from room service and in a while after a long easing shower slept for eight solid hours and did n't dream about Filmer .
27 Less accomplished lecturers repeated the message at meetings of the second-rate institutions that infect academic life .
28 The weekly return in Table 1 illustrates the Bank 's assets and liabilities : the division between the Issue Department and Banking Department is largely for historic reasons and has no real economic significance .
29 And that amending the foot fault rule to stop players jumping before they hit the ball , introducing possible changes to ball pressures for specific surfaces and taking steps to inhibit any further extensions in the dimension or strength of rackets , would be better than ‘ tinkering about with how the game is actually played . ’
30 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
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