Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If rent remains outstanding for 21 days after the due date , forfeiture proceedings may be brought against a dilatory tenant by a strongwilled landlord .
2 For instance , if one of your customers is in financial trouble and he owes you money which is due in 20 days , you are much better off than if the debt does not fall due for 100 days .
3 That 's right for three weeks and erm then I was n't impressed by it , I was much more interested in China .
4 The proposals , described as the most far-reaching for 50 years , were expected to be the subject of intense lobbying from the financial and banking sectors when they came before Congress for approval .
5 I 'm usually very sore for two days after a race .
6 The currency has been stable for six months .
7 The solution is stable for 2 weeks .
8 Heliposis , bought unraced out of Guy Harwood 's stable for 7,400 guineas last year , will now attempt to improve Hammond 's jumps total .
9 It is possible for two productions to be mounted so that numbers are divided — possibly four productions may be put on , if that is thought worthwhile .
10 This is possible for two reasons : a reduction in internal losses and increased lamp efficiency due to a much higher operating frequency .
11 It is also possible for two actions to be conjoined in a simple additive way without any suggestion of temporal or causal relationship , e.g. : .
12 Many of the country lanes were so narrow that it would not have been possible for two vehicles to pass each other , but after half an hour , they cut into the main road that ran south from Cherbourg to Carentan .
13 It were an easy labour , if it 's possible for one ti be so , ’ she answered .
14 Fundraising at Carrisbrooke School , College Road , Middlesbrough , is towards making holidays possible for 100 boys and girls .
15 Two-year-old Lady would not be coaxed away from Jimmy Seymour 's van , so he had to keep the engine ticking over with the heaters full-on for eight hours while the bitch gave birth to eight healthy pups .
16 That 's right you do that 's right about eight pounds or eight pounds fifty a pound .
17 The roads are terrifyingly steep and on the map look like coils of intestines , which translated into reality become dizzying sets of hairpin bends , too narrow for two vehicles to pass in comfort at any speed .
18 Kirkby firemen prevented flames reaching the lower school annexe and nursery school , where classes continued close to normal for 140 youngsters .
19 Kirkby firemen prevented flames reaching the lower school annexe and nursery school , where classes continued close to normal for 140 youngsters .
20 In fact her sight was not back to normal for three months .
21 Spacious for six adults , there are three cabins , each with excellent stowage .
22 Sagging wicker garden chairs , shabby trunks , cat baskets , camping stoves , old tennis racquets , fishing waders , and Paul 's pram , unused for nine years , were housed here , jostling each other , and coated with dust , bird droppings and the debris from ancient nests in the beams above .
23 The most notable was Windsor and Eton , where it is possible to see it now in its pristine state , for in 1983 Madame Tussaud 's opened the fully restored and refurbished royal station , adjoining the main Windsor terminal and unused for thirty years .
24 AN ARTIST whose talents lay unused for 20 years headed an exhibition by five women at the weekend .
25 Surely she 'd only been asleep for five minutes at the very most ?
26 Stephen left a message , grateful for two days ' grace .
27 Interest rates had already been low for twenty years when the turnpike mania began in 1750 and remained low after it ended in 1772 .
28 But after I had waited in vain for six months , I lost hope , and felt low indeed .
29 Surgeons battled in vain for ten hours to try to save the 32-year-old National Clubman 's 250cc champion from Syston , Leics .
30 She were only poorly for three days . ’
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