Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] over their " in BNC.

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1 THE African National Congress and its leader , Nelson Mandela , are on public trial over their integrity and professed democratic principles as they struggle with a mass of allegations connecting Mrs Winnie Mandela to murders and other scandals .
2 Until early in the eighteenth century , moreover , foreign diplomats when given audience by the sultan were expected to wear a Turkish-style robe over their normal clothing in order to spare him the repellent sight of European dress .
3 The central drama of the revolution was precisely the attempt of the Russian masses to assert direct control over their own lives ; its tragedy was their subordination to Bolshevik domination .
4 Mothers and fathers are role models , exerting a strong , yet subtle influence over their children .
5 This is the first time a Black Ark has ever been sunk and marks the beginning of the High Elves ' naval ascendancy over their dark kindred .
6 The communications and information revolution has permitted progressively greater central control over their financial affairs .
7 They had no real control over their own lives , and were forced around by men .
8 The majority , however , were adamantly opposed to anything which weakened their absolute control over their crews and were prepared to take any action which would ensure that this was upheld , the most effective method being the recruitment of non-union crews which were prepared to sail at lower rates and under worse conditions than union men .
9 His overall leadership was acknowledged , but the younger group retained actual control over their organisation and this dichotomy persisted throughout all the years that followed .
10 In England and Wales , most of the major housing associations ' tenants have few rights of democratic control over their landlords .
11 How does the Prime Minister reconcile the welcome emphasis that he placed at the Commonwealth conference on the extension of democratic government throughout the Commonwealth with the continuing reluctance of the Government to give any form of democratic control over their own lives to the people of Wales and Scotland ?
12 How significant that his response to the overwhelming evidence that the people of this nation want to have some form of democratic control over their own destiny is to propose anything other than a democratic solution .
13 The argument gains force when applied to boxing where the emphasis shifts to the muscular flexibility and , as manager Terry Lawless put it , the ‘ natural fluidity ’ of black fighters which gives them a distinct edge over their more rigid white counterparts :
14 In these circumstances , it is convenient for corporate officials to pull the cloak of honest ignorance over their heads and proceed under its darkness to stumble blindly and unwittingly over the thin line between what is condoned and what is condemned .
15 While Hibs have the motivation of registering an overdue win over their capital rivals — ‘ every player at Easter Road wants to beat Hearts , ’ said Keith Wright — Hearts need to keep collecting points to sustain their challenge for a place in Europe .
16 3.5inch disks have an extra mechanical feature over their floppier cousins .
17 Although class teachers have considerable personal autonomy over their classes with regard to both the mathematical content and the manner in which this is encountered , they are far from free of the social world which they , and , as importantly , their pupils inhabit .
18 In a business that was headed by someone virtually at war with his entire family over their moral misdemeanours , this was a wise decision and brought Mr Smith fifty years ' work .
19 This man plays in a performance art band whose antics include forcibly kidnapping members of the audience , tying them to chairs and emptying entire trashcans full of fake vomit over their heads .
20 Of course the Guinness advertising exports do have an unfair advantage over their competitors : The product itself .
21 A big wave hit the side of the paddle wheel and sent white water over their heads .
22 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
23 A lot of people have said to us that our gigs remind them of when they 're in the bathroom , miming with a tennis racket , pouring water over their heads for that sweat experience . ’
24 By offering protection and recourse to royal justice to all , breaches were gradually made in the dykes of princely and seigneural resistance to Capetian authority over their subjects .
25 the songs shall be a fine tomb-stone over their beauty .
26 No matter how carefully they pointed out that areas of low pressure almost always bring rain and high winds and plenty of cloud , it did n't help at all when Station Commanders and Navigation Officers specifically wanted clear skies and good visibility over their targets .
27 There are some blacks who are born and die without even a decent roof over their heads or a job .
28 Another measure which the Tories may consider is increased influence over their own affairs for Scottish MPs through the committee structure at Westminster .
29 Wedgwood insisted on hygiene practices to limit the danger from lead used in pot glazing , and some Sheffield masters chained a protective guard over their wheels , but these were exceptional .
30 Women do not all have equal control over their image : poor , working-class women can not afford designer jeans , leather jackets and other symbols of urban lesbian chic .
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