Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY 'S dreams of European glory this season ended last night — sunk by a German sub .
2 I agree , he 's been a right arsehole this weekend , with that plus the fact that he singled out Leeds as being the team without a hope of catching scum .
3 There 's more than one red face in the mobile division this morning , believe me .
4 Just like every other political story this year , in fact .
5 David Macdonald made a series of quota quickies before going on to a larger budget with the striking comedy-thriller This Man is News ( 1938 ) , and Michael Powell built a reputation as a director of energetic quota films before making his mainstream début with Edge of the World ( 1937 ) , about the depopulation of a remote island in the Shetlands .
6 ‘ There will be a very strong look this year .
7 For a refreshing change this book is not about the exploits of the Lancaster , but that unsung stalwart of Bomber Command 's early war years , the Whitley .
8 At a neurological level this interplay between conscious and unconscious influences on thought almost certainly depends upon the lateral organisation of the brain , and on a particular involvement of the right hemisphere .
9 For the one-dimensional case this number was given by a binomial distribution .
10 A BICYCLE wheel with just three spokes will make its professional debut this spring .
11 Underwater Safari This month we look as the Great Diving Beetle .
12 By economic necessity this pattern will have to be accommodated within a structure which is attuned to decentralisation so there will inevitably be more delegation even to the governors of the smaller schools .
13 If you 're in search of Christmas presents with a classic look this year , why not take a look at the Sanderson range of festive gifts ?
14 With that being such a low figure this year , tends to be quite cyclical .
15 Well , my stars say if you find yourself at a low ebb this weekend do n't worry .
16 ‘ But now I am concerned that he might have a different response this year ! ’
17 A different route this time around the back of the mountain , over the stream by way of some stepping-stones .
18 I do n't remember it being that much last year , but she 's using a different board this year so maybe that 's something to do with it .
19 So far £114,957 has been raised including a generous donation this week of £3,000 from the Hedley Foundation , a charitable trust .
20 ‘ The Prince and I , ’ he continued , ‘ have arranged a sumptuous banquet this evening . ’
21 ‘ There 's another high tide this evening , ’ he said .
22 Butcher , whose career looked over last season because of a knee injury , will be offered a one-year contract this week after starring for the First Division club in three pre-season friendlies .
23 At the theoretical level this research builds on our previous work by examining the relationship between political and administrative pressures for change ; the former channelled through the political parties and their governments and the latter through the various branches of the state bureaucracy .
24 At a more theoretical level this characterization has some affinities with Gouldner 's concept of ‘ functional autonomy ’ :
25 ‘ Griffin is the most alive , funny and sexual presence this reviewer has seen ’ .
26 Apart from O'Neill 's remark that it was ‘ sad , so sad ’ ( Terry became the Queen 's favourite photographer this year ) , the pair refused to be judgmental .
27 A Christmas Carol may be an old favourite this time of year — but performed by Herefordshire college students , it 's taken on a whole new look .
28 It will be a different story this time .
29 ‘ But it 's a different story this time around and he has n't been doing the business for us .
30 The 200 metres qualifying standard is 23.20 secs 0.16 secs faster than her personal best and 0.26 secs quicker than the best by a British runner this year .
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