Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] by those " in BNC.

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1 To claim otherwise would be to place these therapies on a mystical pedestal , which would clearly open them to justifiable derision by those who doubt their efficacy .
2 The Act provided for the designation of conservation areas , and this proved a popular initiative by those many local authorities which contained areas of special architectural or historic interest .
3 He also ordered a stop to the unauthorized utilization by those authorities of produce already allocated for fulfilment of state orders .
4 It is generally referred to as the House of Canmore , though Canmore was originally only a nickname — Malcolm ‘ the Great Head ’ — not bestowed in any complimentary sense by those who suffered under his notorious rages and lust for war .
5 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
6 Moreover , with so many potential members , it is easier for someone to free-ride without being noticed or subjected to any kind of social sanction by those who do join .
7 This conflict arises because any directives towards making nationalized industries more fully accountable would , on the one hand , lead to the release of commercially confidential information that would be readily available to private sector competitors , and , on the other hand , would provide for potential political exploitation by those either for or against the concept of nationalization .
8 Many of the mothers felt their children had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse by those caring for them during their absence , and were concerned about their lack of academic progress at school .
9 The decisions will be made at the appropriate level by those who have a stake in them .
10 Like alcohol or money , it is capable of vast abuse by those who exploit it for financial purposes .
11 However , even research which has concentrated on the decision to take voluntary early retirement by those who have been able to exercise choice relatively freely , while still in employment , has noted external pressures on the individuals concerned ( see , for example , McGoldrick and Cooper 1980 : 860 ) .
12 It was almost as though such an experience gave the initiated a glimpse of a deeper level of reality than the allegedly shallow analysis of contemporary society by those who had not faced at first hand the traumas of modern warfare .
13 The formation of liberal thought by those who normally might have taken a pride in never bothering to think at all was remarkable .
14 The threat from outside the surveying profession by those who would compete on the same ground can be countered by active marketing of the surveyor 's services .
15 However , the response of governments is likely to be more and more dogmatic , and be driven by considerations of ‘ security ’ ; there will be little willingness by those in power to defer to differing views even when these are held by a majority .
16 Hudson points to the fact that , not only are these terms applied by pupils to the arts and sciences , but also they are recognized to a large degree by those , like himself , working within psychology .
17 This reflects the traditions of an authority , or the lasting influence of a chief officer , but it may also reflect a natural desire by those involved to minimise the political conflicts that are generated when big changes are proposed in one department 's budget compared with others .
18 It is clearly necessary to cater for all the languages in the group and ‘ double ’ resourcing or ‘ triple ’ or even more , has been possible for us with Nuffield Foundation funding , but it is far from being seen as an obvious need by those who hold the State sector purse strings , for example !
19 Or we might wear the radical ‘ reflexive ’ pair , whose lenses have been recently polished to a fine smoothness by those same trendy academics who have now entered a middle-age period of intellectual enlightenment !
20 A fairly dispassionate analysis by Best ( 1980 ) indicates that the initiation of area bombing of cities resulted from the rejection of strategic in favour of indiscriminate bombing by those in charge of British Bomber Command , and the acceptance of their arguments by Churchill in August 1940 , when the Luftwaffe 's attacks on British airfields in the Battle of Britain was threatening to damage irretrievably the RAF 's powers of retaliation ( Best , 1980 , p. 276 ) .
21 He was amused to discover that , despite two years in the merchant navy , he was regarded as an unspoiled youth by those who , like Minton , resented the de-naturalising effect of privilege and the public school system .
22 All of this is a testimonial to the belief that when the emphasis is placed on the practical experiences of individuals and communities rather than on ideologies , and when the grassroots leadership of people is developed rather than theories and constitutions , then workable solutions can be developed which are adapted for both local and the national situation by those people who have to put these solutions into practice at the sharp end of the stick .
23 Luckily the valuable Swanage cliffs remain largely bolt free but , ominously , the nearly Portland area ( not featured in the guide ) has seen intensive activity by those developing sport climbs .
24 Fifthly , the efforts made by FPCs to promote cost-effective behaviour by those GPs opting to manage their own budgets should be monitored .
25 The surfers in other areas of Cornwall ( St Ives for example ) and from other parts of the country like the burgeoning Welsh and North-east scenes are talked of with great enthusiasm by those on the beach at The Pit .
26 There can be little doubt that the speaker in that case intended to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by those whom he was addressing .
27 Quite apart from the problem of reconciling these propositions with internationally comparative evidence on rises in real wages , increases in the share of wages in national income , and the growth of the service sector , the analysis fails to take account of the skills created by new technology — skills which have been exploited to powerful effect by those who possess and control them .
28 All this makes television an exciting and immense force in society and it is approached with dogged zeal by those ambitious for money and fame .
29 In respect of the inquiry into Leicestershire county council , in general there appears to have been a major cover-up by those responsible for the care and welfare of these children .
30 Their value in battle , as shields behind which the knights could shelter before they launched their charge , ensured their continued employment by those who could afford them — notably Henry II of England .
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