Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] was a " in BNC.

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1 Despite being the aim of many state pension schemes , the breaking of the link between old age and low income was a real possibility with SERPS .
2 To ensure that this progressive building was a success , it was essential –hat a supply of completely manufactured parts was on the ground at the point of erection , before the building of a vehicle was commenced .
3 Mixed-ability teaching was a principle fairly widely accepted , at least for children in their first year at secondary school , but in some schools for far longer .
4 The garden 's sole glory was a laburnum , which blossomed wonderfully each year : but even that she associated more with its dry black fatal pods than with its flowers , so often and so rigorously had she been warned of its poison .
5 Jack was never flurried , his cool , unruffled play was a hallmark of his game , along with some immensely powerful clearances .
6 On this view the non-specialist sole practitioner was a species of legal animal which market forces were in the process of rendering extinct .
7 Lucy 's pregnant weight was a daunting burden to assist across the drive to the Volvo .
8 Interlock with the requirements of the professional association was a crucial theme , and the Library Association expressed its willingness to accept CNAA degrees for postgraduate entry .
9 Special Branch had warned that political violence was a possibility as the communists were planning to disrupt the meeting ; they allegedly had plans to locate the main power switch so that the lights could be cut off at a favourable moment .
10 The Labour defeat was a disaster , but it might be a blessing in disguise .
11 This somewhat absurd episode was a mere interlude in a fiercely fought campaign .
12 By the mid-1960s rock as a whole was hardly monolithic ; but progressive rock was a particularly heterogeneous genre ( compared to , say , rock 'n' roll , which is fairly tightly defined ) .
13 Mme Catherine Lalumière , secretary general of the Council of Europe , explains : ‘ Adoption of the Council as the framework for the Pharmacopoeia rather than the creation of a European pharmacopoeia was a quite deliberate choice .
14 At the entrance to the village and immediately on the right-hand side was a large house with a high wall round it .
15 The combined result was a sharp decline in the profit rate .
16 How could she possibly tell him that her limited sexual experience was a matter of choice , not lack of opportunity ?
17 Speaking on the eve of an expected announcement on energy taxes by the Clinton administration , Mr DeCrane said that global climatic change was a complicated issue in which stringent environmental policies were being proposed with little regard to cost .
18 Above all , the British election was a perfect platform for such a debate .
19 When in 1913 Alison Neilans of the Ladies ' National Association announced that ‘ we and our former antagonists can work cordially together ’ , Wilson explained that the olive branch was a result of the change of heart among medics and their new expansive definition of health .
20 ‘ The so-called chairman was a Jordanian .
21 Needles were stored in a two-pound Robertson 's jam jar ; and in a long glass-topped case was a selection of knives , scalpels , forceps , scissors and syringes .
22 Furthermore , The German Ideology was a collaborative work with Engels who , as we shall see , retained more interest in the concept of ideology and is responsible for some of the features traditionally associated with it .
23 Sometimes , he said , it seemed that the Church 's social teaching was a well-kelp secret , even though there were many people quietly involved in helping others .
24 The shrill creak of the hinges as we were closed into the suffocating darkness of that cliff-top grave was a terrifying sound .
25 Free election was a fiction and the king 's candidate very rarely failed to win .
26 He might n't look too glamorous today … but nineteen years ago this rubber alligator was a film star .
27 The definition of public necessity was a comprehensive one , and prevented the too casual adoption of what Jehan had learned from Alexei were thought of elsewhere in the universe as simple technological advances .
28 One gathers that the ‘ I ’ of the poem , seeing that the old cloak was a complete write-off , assumed that the new cloak , which he bought with cash , had completely solved the problem .
29 Daily mass was a minimum for any conscientious nobleman ; many kings attended a considerable part of the daily office as well .
30 ‘ The Lesser Sack was a great victory for the empire . ’
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