Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] must have " in BNC.

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1 This age-old technique must have worked , for in April 1908 Mr. Groves , the Water Board 's Secretary , attended a Committee Meeting and with a sub-committee was appointed to settle the details of laying water .
2 However , " consistency " does not mean that the normal course must have been followed on the occasion in question , otherwise it would be impossible to argue course of dealing in the case where it is most relevant .
3 Whether classed as amateur or professional , full-time sportspeople must have a good head for business and develop basic marketing and PR skills .
4 Isolated in the middle of the pacific Ocean , 3,200 miles from Tahiti , and with a sea-crossing of almost a month stretching out before him to the next port of call , Darwin 's stay in this inhospitable volcanic outcrop must have been one of the lowest points for him on the entire trip .
5 Anyone wanting to make a successful career as a professional musician must have an eternal sense of optimism tinged with gilt-edged charm and a business sense which would put Richard Branson in the shade .
6 When William Burnes died at Lochlea in 1784 , John Tennant lent a horse to help to convey his body to Alloway for burial in the grounds of Kirk Alloway and memories of Alloway and the ruined kirk must have been recalled by both families when they met on that day .
7 To survive in a rational era , the irrational institution must have a function , and must appeal to the population .
8 Mrs Clamp maintains that my father ought to have put the dog down years before all this happened , but I think the wet-jowled , yellow-bleary-eyed , fishy-smelling old hound must have worked on his sympathy just by being so repulsive .
9 TODAY 's pictures of Robert Maxwell 's sumptuous home must have been galling to MGN pensioners .
10 The exception to this rule was Norfolk , but here clerical wealth must have reflected the yield of tithes in the leading cereal-producing region , momentarily augmented perhaps by the high grain prices of recent years .
11 He instantly spotted the ‘ yorker ’ delivered by the man from BBC Wales — in effect , that the England match could not have been one he expected to win at the start of the season , therefore the Scottish match must have been on the credit side of the ledger .
12 Your fevered imagination must have turned Meredith Williams into a cross between a gangland mobster and Satan . ’
13 But yesterday 's rain-hit showdown must have felt like a recurring nightmare for Faldo , too .
14 Old Red must have told the General .
15 Mr. Bill Walker : The Hon. Gentleman must have studied what has happened in the company referred to , so he will know that it has used the assets to buy new buses .
16 The hon. Gentleman must have proposed it so sotto voce that neither I nor any member of the public has heard his proposal .
17 Walking further into the shed , I paused and looked around wondering how many times my old father must have walked through it .
18 Well , this old bell must have fallen off a ship , or perhaps it got washed out here in a flood .
19 The right to hear ambassadors , and other foreign speakers like Alcibiades , was an important prerogative of the Assembly , and it is here that Spartan foreign policy must have taken some of the dramatic about-turns attested in the classical period — though technically the Assembly could only decide and not debate ( Ar .
20 No one knew for certain what volume of water was pent up , but the old mine must have been full to the random of the 17th Century Cobblers Level .
21 I extraterrestrials visited humanity in the very early days of our species , the cultural impact must have been major — unless , that is , the extraterrestrials have the common sense not to interfere too much with whatever level of civilisation the existed .
22 ‘ So , the old nun must have let her murderer in .
23 ‘ Old Darlington was quite some place to live in and I reckon daily life must have been some sort of gamble , ’ said Joan .
24 At the time of his arrival , the prohibitions of lay investiture and clerical homage must have been fresh in Anselm 's mind , and it is unimaginable that he should not have discussed the whole question with one of the main agents of the new policy .
25 3 An isosceles triangle , which is also a right-angled triangle must have equal angles of … degrees ?
26 After this beginning some light relief must have been welcome .
27 In the waters of the monsoon pools of East Africa it is as if man sees a baboon in the mirror , for the development of baboon societies in the very regions in which human social life must have also evolved seems to reflect in extraordinarily detailed ways the emergence of features otherwise unique to human life .
28 Waddell says the old man must have known it was daylight when they left , as the house lights were turned off by Waddell at dawn …
29 Looking down on the land over seven miles below from the lofty heights where jet streams vaporize behind you , it was hard to imagine the difficulties the old man must have faced .
30 The old man must have moved very softly to get within twenty yards of him unheard , although the quiet afternoon was in fact a steady rumble and distant clatter of farm machinery .
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