Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] when it " in BNC.

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1 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
2 But earlier this month , the PAC appeared to have abandoned armed struggle when it agreed to attend next month 's renewed multi-party constitutional talks .
3 ONE of two teenagers killed in a stolen car when it crashed into a tree in west Belfast will be buried on Saturday .
4 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
5 Only the Barrier is new : a long row of big silver bathtubs upended in the water , waiting for that one freak high tide when it must stop London sinking beneath the rushing sea .
6 And the other tide will be the anti high tide when it 's on the other side of the earth .
7 Labour accused him of mis-using a public building when it was revealed 300 Conservative women attended a coffee morning at 11 Downing Street , organised by his wife Rosemary .
8 What price then that metaphysical guarantee of social differentiation when it is so easily abolished in the confusion it was supposed to preempt and render impossible ?
9 Leaf it off asks BR Landscape architects have had a special request from British Rail when it comes to tree planting alongside a busy branch line .
10 ‘ I mean , let's face it , he was a good leader , but a right miserable old prune when it took him . ’
11 Clay retains a record of the intensity and direction of the earth 's magnetic field when it was last fired , because on heating the magnetic oxides in the clay align with the prevailing magnetic field .
12 The government had attempted to regain public support when it honoured the martyrs of the 1956 Hungarian uprising against Communist rule , also in October .
13 Therefore we have a control mechanism to bring down blood-sugar level when it begins to reach unhealthy peaks .
14 But I also felt that the guitar became a different instrument when it was turned up to maximum and fully distorted — it was no longer a polyphonic instrument , really .
15 This verb is used in the Old Testament when it means the salvation of God for his people .
16 ANNA FORD is quite right about women getting a raw deal when it comes to television presenting .
17 Distorting and painful killer when it spreads .
18 The mechanism that captured the attention of the micro industry when it first appeared in the Sharp CE-150 printer was the four pen printer/plotter .
19 We opt for The Baker 's Wife at the Phoenix and all vote it a definite winner , and I wonder again at the jaundiced palate of critics who gave it a fair old drubbing when it first trotted out .
20 At that time it was more erm easy to get Kuwait nationality , so we have Egyptians , we have Palestinians , we have Indians , we have Pakistanis , Iranians who got Kuwaiti nationality when it all started .
21 The interesting question when it comes to human behaviour is how much to attribute to inheritance , both in the form of instincts and in predispositions to behave in certain ways , and how much to learning .
22 At the stage in the growth of a scientific discovery when it is no longer just internal but has not yet become a formal paper , then the scholarly interchange would have depended on whom individuals knew or knew of , the letter writing would be unmanaged and survive by chance ( often only one side of the story ) and , due to concern that ideas should not be stolen , may only have taken place at a late stage of the discovery process .
23 But if it 's just been brought out of the calf pens , fresh muck when it 's been spreaded in , and you know that tummy muscles , along mucking out the calf pens , they 'd been all the winter on this , getting tighter and harder , all through the winter .
24 Religion lost its hold on the social imagination when it was seen to embody qualities opposed to science : irrationality and superstition .
25 Work out ways to raise your status at work and adopt a high profile when it comes to thinking through professional matters and sharing ideas with the people that matter .
26 Why buy expensive d-i-y equipment for a one-off job when it can be hired for a fraction of the cost ?
27 There was virtually no support in Sussex for the French Revolution when it broke out in 1789 , and the wars which followed produced a widespread patriotic fervour which was matched by an equal growth in exploitation and popular desperation as the twenty years of conflict had deeper affects on local economic life .
28 And a firm run by Ralph Willie Raynes , which used to supply most of our goods , would allow extended credit when it became necessary .
29 How can Darby O'Gill be dismissed as superstitious nonsense when it is part descriptive of a society where even now devotional queues are forming to watch supposedly moving statues .
30 Another course open to the High Court when it quashes the decision of a governmental body is to remit the matter to the agency with a direction to reconsider it in accordance with the findings of the High Court .
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