Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
2 Ten minutes later there was a loud rat-tat on the heavy iron-fronted door of the warehouse .
3 The United States saw this war as an opportunity to change things in the Middle East , and celebrated the Lebanese-Israeli Withdrawal Agreement by lifting its year-old ban on the sale of seventy-five F-16 jet fighters to Israel .
4 Finally , Mr. Beloff placed strong reliance on the decision of Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. in E.M.I . Records Ltd. v Spillane [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 967 , which concerned the position of a solicitor , who held a document disclosed on discovery by the opposite party in litigation subject to the usual implied undertaking , when confronted by a notice from the Customs and Excise to produce the document to them pursuant to their wide powers under the VAT legislation .
5 At last she was through , with a narrow foothold on the side of the boat .
6 We are asking SEAC to take these into account in advising us in due course on the Orders specifying assessment arrangements covering English .
7 A solicitor will explain when you can claim reliefs on account of payment made towards your pension , and in due course on the pension itself .
8 I hope in discussing this question to try to examine , as frankly and fairly as possible , the relationship between legality on the one hand , and political organisation and political struggle on the other , in relation to this most vital of all issues for the survival of the human race , the control and elimination of nuclear weapons .
9 A pity about that Dutchman : their union had taken place in a narrow cabin on the North Sea , crossing from The Hague to Harwich in a Force Nine gale , and they had omitted to exchange names and addresses .
10 What is new is that this phenomenon of the political management of the economy is being more systematically and seriously explored within the burgeoning New Right literature on the " political-business cycle " .
11 Classes in the faculty are normally conducted in New College , a striking historic building on the Mound in central Edinburgh which includes the largest theological library in Britain .
12 The next item , specific grants , deals in in main part with specific grant on the police pensions er , element .
13 Some specific grant on the judges lodgings , the maintenance of that , payable by the Lord Chancellors Department , and so- some specific grant on emergency planning .
14 Er we left at er seventeen minutes to two erm having explained that er we have put a very respectable budget on the table er which was prudence as prudence personified er and that was something we felt the other two groups of the Liberal Democrats were the only ones there at the time er besides them do that we 'd er I have to say to chairman that er the voted it is now being cobbled together er by the other two groups is eight hundred thousand pounds plus er in excess of the budget which the Conservative Group would want to see and just for the record , it 's about the same sum of money that we 've been saving on the fire cover in
15 He suggests that the functions of speech can be to focus on any of the six basic components of the communicational event : thus the referential function focuses on the referential content of the message , the emotive function on the speaker 's state , the conative function on the speaker 's wishes that the addressee do or think such-and-such , the metalinguistic function on the code being used , the phatic function on the channel ( establishment and maintainance of contact ) , and the Poetic function on the way in which the message is encoded .
16 Some packs give a total coverage on the wrapping , but it 's best to work out the total by accurately measuring the room size so you can calculate how many rows , containing how many tiles , will be needed .
17 A black lethal looking umbrella with a very strange hook on the end .
18 He reminded me there was a counterclaim for £2,444 and that by the order the plaintiffs in this action were released from any possible liability on the counterclaim .
19 The negotiation of the contractual terms of such relationships is all too often regarded as a contest in which the supplier attempts to exclude the maximum possible liability to the customer , and the customer to impose the maximum possible liability on the supplier ; the only rules are those imposed by the Unfair Contract Terms Act , and the contest is finally decided by the relative bargaining power of the two parties .
20 Covering countryside such as the Chilterns and the South Downs , they are intended to be areas of special planning control with strong accent on the visual and environmental effects of any development .
21 In the two-roomed apartment on the Rue de Montparnasse , Beatrice kept a ‘ twixty ’ , a bottle of brandy so named because it was never full and never empty .
22 He is recommending Rank Organisation 8¼ p.c. ( down 1 at 103p ) , Carlton Communications 6½ p.c. ( steady at 84p ) and Queens Moat 7½ p.c. ( ½ weaker at 95½p ) in the first instance , together with British Land 6⅝ p.c. ( down £1 at £74 ) for those wanting a spicy play on the property sector .
23 When recently I asked an enthusiastic practitioner to test the technique in maths , although they were themselves enthusiastic about language , I received confirmation of insecurity , of a self-confessed distraction from the task of teaching in favour of essentially a technician-type reliance on the scheme , and a domination of the teacher by the process of recording progress .
24 At a price , there are some elegant blocks of flats that have a full-time porter on the front door , carpeted hallways and well-kept lifts , but they are rare .
25 This is a very attractive Queen Anne building , situated in a quiet private lane on the outskirts of the pretty village of Pulborough .
26 Pressure on Itzhak Shamir , the Israeli Prime Minister and Likud leader , to make a definite decision on the US-backed peace formula began mounting in late February .
27 The present volume does not aim to replace any reference book by providing fresh research , but it will certainly stand as the most complete index on the subject .
28 It was all becoming depressinglv similar to the mournful experiences of every Allied offensive on the Western Front .
29 We 're picking up a strange noise on the sonar .
30 ‘ This was , of course , the true England of the industrial provinces , of blood-black brick and scurrying wind and workers ’ faces clenched tight against the adversity of short-time working and the memory of last month 's narrow miss on the pools . ’
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