Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] with a " in BNC.

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1 The Rational Audio Aura 01 is a Czech-made deck with a parallel tracking arm ( which moves across the record on rails instead of pivoting from one end ) , bizarre retro-styling and an idiosyncratic sound .
2 Recent studies which used long term recording of colonic motility with a colonoscopically positioned manometric probe , and simultaneous measurement of transit through intraleuminally instilled radiolabelled compounds have provided more detailed information on the relationship of motility to mass movements : ( 1 ) high amplitude propagated contractions ( pressure waves greater than 50 mmHg which are propagated more than 10 cm ) occur infrequently in normal subjects , averaging six per 24 hours .
3 He was probably as tough as old leather , cycling his rural route with a heavy sack every morning .
4 The traditional costume of the men is white baggy knee-length trousers , a white long-sleeved and open-necked shirt with a soft collar and a red sash at the waist .
5 At Bluff he designed a charming two-storey half-timbered building with a wide cantilevered canopy .
6 Tall building with a bell in you ?
7 On the one hand , individuals usually on a short-term contract with a job to do face on the other hand a bureaucracy with mixed feelings about the importance of environmental deterioration .
8 CANS of a fish product , manufactured by a Scottish company , have been withdrawn from sale throughout Britain as a precautionary measure because of a possible link with a case of suspected botulism in which a woman was paralysed from the neck down .
9 There is also a possible link with a robbery a month ago at Saughall Motors .
10 Under the eyes of a serious , tall Palestinian with a pistol in his holster , they were singing , over and over again : ‘ Fatah , we are your children and , when we are older , we will be your soldiers . ’
11 Two mines are being developed to export 8 million tonnes per year to Japan on a 15-year contract with a five-year renewal .
12 Case No. 1 : 28 year-old male with a chief complaint of fits of anger for not apparent reason .
13 The corollary of the latter explanation is that the northwest-southeast anticlinal ridge with a core of Westphalian A strata was not significantly buried in later Westphalian times and acted as a controlling feature on Westphalian sedimentation .
14 Omeprazole , one of the group of substiuted benzimidazoles , is a weak base with a pK of 4.0 .
15 The Premier Range , make in weather resistant durable PVC with a natural leather look , is available in Al , A2 , A3 and A4 and also in an A2 , A3 and A4 maxi size giving greater sleeve capacity .
16 Palatine are a regional brewery with a strong Cheshire-Lancashire identity , and we felt that a pie-based menu was particularly appropriate .
17 As it is , Vox have done a good job of producing a classic guitar with a '90s feel and sound .
18 The foal is now an eight-year-old mare with a sweet disposition ; but then she has never been given a second chance to smell methylated spirits .
19 To the left was a long low building with a blank , grimy whitewashed wall and a broken , galvanised roof .
20 In Fig. 7–1a , we have the no-distortion case with a small tax , and .
21 Some of them even more horrible than being described as ‘ decent ’ by a wonky-gobbed ex-public school exhibitionist and professional arsehole with a gnat 's testicle for a brain .
22 A volcanic crag with a superb wo wood face to is with many footpaths through it .
23 It was decided that their successors would be of similar size and anew steel cutter was designed by Technical Branch with a length of 80 feet , a beam of 16 feet and a draft of 6 feet .
24 He follows Cohen 's bittersweet romanticism with a solid dose of Sonic Youth .
25 Well I had learnt shorthand and typing at school but erm the money was necessary at home you see , and er with my sister working there , at H and T Hornes , er she spoke for me and er I had an interview and and they put me up in the nursery , we used to call it the nursery see because we were all fourteens up there and er then they called it the cylinder shop and er my foreman was a fella name Archie and erm everything was very very strict indeed , we could not move away from our board you could n't speak to the next one that was working by you , and er there was a fella named Mr and he was he , I did n't work for him I worked for Mr , but some you cou you were afraid to move because of this man and he he he 'd stare at you and he 'd look at you and anyway erm they put me assembling and it was very interesting indeed , there was a tall stand on , we called it the bench , a tall stand with a screw on the top and then to as begin to assemble the locks you had to take what we would call the body , screw it into the er little on the stand and then we had tweezers , there were , in the body there were five springs and then you had to have five breast pins and when you got the springs in you .. we have to have a plug at the back so as we could put each pin and push the plug over that a dummy plug we called it and so that was five pins were in and then there was a ball er when that , when we came to put it in our vice , we had to put the V I C E not V O voice .
26 MOST observes a hollow shell with a rim brightness typically 9mJy per beam giving .
27 Inghams , for example , is offering a two-bedroom apartment with a huge living room overlooking the Matterhorn in the four star Hotel Ambassador in Zermatt in mid March for just over £300 for a week each , if it 's occupied by six people .
28 Symbols are very important in this stage , and names can provide a strong link with a perceived regional past .
29 Spoke at a number of events and was enabled to see a good many different sides of the west of Scotland making a strong link with a group in Garthamlock ( Rev. )
30 The modern tail and underwater shapes will enable you to make progress in stronger wind and sail far quicker than if you use a wide square-tailed board with a flat bottom .
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