Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] you want " in BNC.

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1 I must get one for my er garage er , er a tape recorder , I 've got the wireless in there but oh you know er , most of the time it 's the noise is n't it , you know what I mean , get the odd programme you want to listen to , but a lot of the time it 's erm pop music and that which I ca n't , I ca n't abide and then your Jimmy Young and
2 However , once you have found the serial file you want , you still need to read through it to find the record you want .
3 Is this the wee phone you want in the kitchen ?
4 It 's the actors of real life you want to watch — yeah , and the actresses .
5 Do n't be embarrassed about lying on a bed in the shop to try it out , and make sure you test the actual size you want to buy .
6 I mean this is something that we could maybe be of help to in fact maybe something that I could be of help to them on because I actually do lectures on public relations how to assess what I mean at a very basic level you want to communicate with press how do you do it but before you do it why do you want to do it .
7 Our flexibility , specialist knowledge and contacts mean we can tailor make the exact holiday you want .
8 When you have a colourful leaved strain you want to keep , leaf cuttings will ensure identical progeny form from a parent leaf .
9 Good idea you want to develop ?
10 You can buy just about everything you ever need in Funchal , but you may have to search to find it — many shops may just recently have run out of the very product you want , so that you have to search for a shop which still has old stock until more is imported .
11 What is the most important point you want to make ?
12 Select paper you want .
13 It is argued that to speak out on this subject is only to suggest the very evil you want to cure , and to do more harm than good …
14 Surely spreading it around will do the very thing you wanted to avoid by starting up all the rumours ? ’
15 Finally , remember that point-by-point comparisons can become tedious if extended too far ; a formal analysis always needs to be subordinated to some more general point you want to make .
16 Cos you 're actually supposed to think of what the message , the essential message you want to get across , and then work your illustration out accordingly .
17 The only reason you want custody of Kirsty is so you can get your hands on her inheritance .
18 Well the only reason you want to get out of here is to get out of the way of Indians
19 It says this is the only number you want but as read it and said well it does n't really make it clear it 's for reservations and bookings and it does n't really so we 'll just have to make sure that it damn well happens on the advert .
20 It 's the only thing you wanted really .
21 ‘ Was it biographical or critical material you wanted ? ’
22 In copper-oxide superconducting materials , this suggest that to raise the critical temperature you want to make the lattice smaller .
23 The ONLY time you want to take the weight off is at the end of the casting off .
24 " I know in your secret heart you want to come here and live with me but we 're not going to be two old maids mouldering away together .
25 But it 's a horizontal beam you want .
26 We help you choose the best materials for the precise finish you want .
27 It 's strange you have an image in your mind of the particular person you want for the particular role .
28 Now if you understand that , if you 're actually targeting , you want to get something into a national paper or local paper or something , you need to think at about your particular item you want to get across and think ‘ What sort of angle could actually be useful for that particular outlet ? ’
29 This means that you can perform operations on it , such as scanning it for the particular information you want .
30 In times gone by , there were always lots of hedge trimmings available at the beginning of November , and it was easy to make a bonfire — with a big family you want a big bonfire .
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