Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have all " in BNC.

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1 Note also that a foreign lawyer ( whether an RFL or not ) who is employed by an English solicitor has all the rights of a solicitor 's clerk , and as such can , under supervision , do all reserved activities except advocacy in open court .
2 No actual creature had all the limbs and segments of the ideal one ; and their divergence from it was a measure of their height in the scale — crabs come above lobsters .
3 Early Learning have all these lovely things that you can play with .
4 A Wave washed ashore and within its rushing sound I heard some hope from periodical land — that most finicky home to all media junkies everywhere.Rather than offer up another fascinating glimpse of some consumable , this Wave challenged me to look into myself and wonder whether organic intelligence is what we should be seeking.This story , Inner Space Outer Space has all the trappings of a mystery thriller , except the mystery is ancient and it is us .
5 Well I think in common with most local authorities we 've been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Central Government over the last ten years , where we have attempted to continue to deliver the services that we believe we 've been elected to deliver , and Central Government has been trying to close off what it would see as loopholes and gain control of us and stop us doing what it does n't want us to do , but of course it 's a rather unequal struggle and the cat and mouse analogy is quite a good one in that Central Government has all the power and is able to erm take control of us to the extent now that the budget that both the City and the County Council have set for the coming year has effectively been set by Central Government .
6 It is , one might say , a conscious part of his policy of personal detachment to have all his affairs in scrupulous order , and so obviate pursuit and inconvenience of any kind .
7 Patients described in published works with portopulmonary hypertension have all had clinically obvious portal hypertension .
8 The Professional package has all the features of the Standard version plus two extra sections called ORIGINAL DRAWING and EXACT STITCH LAYOUT .
9 The 300-acre site has all the features needed — roads and hills — and is hidden from sight , said a club official , adding that the centre would attract tourists .
10 The left side has all the data of every experience you have ever had — good , bad and indifferent — since the time you were in your mother 's womb .
11 With its whitewashed walls and dark wood beams , this pretty home has all the charm of a country cottage .
12 The environmental pressure group Greenpeace decided to highlight a particular nuclear power station as part of its ambitious post-Chernobyl campaign to have all nuclear installations shut down within four years .
13 Mr Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , said the Labour rally had all the characteristics of modern socialism — ‘ a vast arena built on the rates , losing money ’ .
14 But the Japanese have become obsessed , in recent years , with improving the strain , so that now a good Goshiki has all the virtues of a Kohaku , in terms of ordered blocks of colour , with the additional bonus — shared by the Koromo fish — of additional overlaying patterns .
15 In Poland , Zakopane , in the mountains , offers wonderful scenery and Gdynia on the Baltic Coast has all the attractions of the beach plus lovely countryside and interesting cities to visit .
16 Five little speckled frogs , had not a speck of luck each little look delicious , yum , yum , yum , they wo n't be made a fool when it was , how now they now there are four green speckled frog , frog , frog , four little speckled frogs , had not a speck of luck each little look delicious , yum , yum , yum , they wo n't be made a fool when it was , how now they now there are three green speckled frog , frog , frog , three little speckled frogs had not a speck of luck each little look delicious , yum , yum , yum , they wo n't be made a fool when it was how now they now there are two green speckled frog , frog , frog , two little speckled frogs had not a speck of luck each little look delicious , yum , yum , yum , they wo n't be made a fool when it was how now now there 's just one green speckled frog , frog , frog , sshh , one little speckled frog had all his speckles off he did look delicious yum , yum , yum , he wo n't be made a fool when it was how now they
17 More subtly , the regulated firm has all the inside information about its own activities , information which it is the whole purpose of the regulatory to try to acquire .
18 A regular polygon has all its sides and all its angles equal .
19 A ward nurse accompanied Mr Reynolds as far as the anaesthetic room , taking with her all his notes and X-rays to ensure that the surgical team had all the available information .
20 That is , that it is a considerable asset to have all the aspects of your novel reflecting the time you have chosen to set it in .
21 Low-voltage lighting has all sorts of advantages for outdoor use , the main one being its safety — you wo n't get a shock if you stick your garden fork through the cable , for example .
22 bloody green jumper 's all got
23 They call for a review of the procedures , noting no proper guidance on sanctions against contractors and that the ministry , the Scottish Office and the Welsh Office have all had problems ‘ recovering any significant proportion of the costs of remedial work . ’
24 well it 's the other side has all been shaved off !
25 Edward Taylor 's urgent new opus has all the hallmarks of a hit , especially as it eschews the long , lingering shadows of some of the genre 's earlier efforts .
26 ‘ The train which was coming the other way had all its windows broken . ’
27 The bitter winter had all the country in its grip .
28 This latest attempt to sort out local taxation has all the hallmarks of another fiasco .
29 The True Brit had all the usual pictures , but there was a sinister announcement .
30 The six practices in the original pilot have all become fundholders and are beginning to effect improvements in the service to their patients .
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