Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Charles ' weak heart had failed , and this had caused his death .
2 It is this : that collective force should be trained against individuals only when some past political decision has licensed this explicit in such a way that competent lawyers and judges will all agree about what that decision was , no matter how much they disagree about morality and politics .
3 According to the Confession , God in his free and eternal counsel has predestined some men to everlasting life , some to everlasting death .
4 Some patterns of normal colonic motility have begun to emerge , but specific abnormalities are yet to be defined .
5 Experiments on the effects of various gastrointestinal polypeptide hormones and drugs on colonic motility have sought further clarification of normal motility patterns or effective treatments for motility disorders .
6 To return to the main point : we introduced surface dyslexia as the pattern of acquired dyslexia which would be expected if neurological damage had affected the lexical procedure for reading aloud and spared the non-lexical procedure .
7 The question of the level of resources that should be invested in Scotland 's underwater heritage has come into focus with the rediscovery of an historic shipwreck off Duart Point in Mull .
8 The peeling away of Upper House 's grubby skin has exposed dozens of small but fine details which have formed the basis for the workshop 's designs .
9 By the time that the new Fono convened in early May , the traditional political manoeuvring had increased the HRPP 's legislative strength to 30 seats , compared with 16 for the SNDP and one independent .
10 So far , the most striking instance has occurred in Germany .
11 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
12 Forecasts now differed as to whether economic recovery had temporarily halted or whether a double-dip recession had occurred .
13 Economic euphoria has produced one of the busiest days ever in the London stock market , with shares climbing to their best levels in two months .
14 In this case the structure of the funnel that was , supposed to channel effort in the right direction has failed to do so .
15 And a solid defence has kept Derry 's challenge alive in the tightest finish ever to a League of Ireland season .
16 Because I have spent the whole day since six o'clock this morning working , and working hard , and this … painted maypole has done nothing all day long and will do nothing tomorrow , except complain about those who do work .
17 The waymarked tourist path to the summit of Ben Lomond in the recently created Loch Lomond regional park has become , in the words of the conservationists ‘ a four lane motorway ’ , which at its worst cuts a deep furrow through the peak down to bedrock .
18 A similar conclusion emerges from a study by Caplan ( 1972 ) using another reaction time technique in which subjects had to decide whether a target word presented after a two-clause sentence had occurred in that sentence .
19 Not surprisingly a strong field has assembled for this last tournament of the year in Britain .
20 ‘ This connection is particularly important at the current time when we know the numbers of women on low income has doubled in the last decade . ’
21 The facts of economic change have helped to produce a new urban crisis situation .
22 The failure to find broad patterns relating crime with social and economic change has led some scholars to examine in detail the possibility that government policy may have exercised an independent influence on patterns of crime .
23 With economic change has come the emergence of both areas and social groups of disadvantage , which have attracted the attention of analysts and observers with an intensity accorded to the social and environmental problems of deprived London a century ago .
24 Nevertheless , above the placard speed a severe gust can raise the loads on the wings and cause damage before the weak link has had time to break and relieve the situation .
25 The economic recession has caused European governments to take a fresh look at the extent to which a degree of interdependence in the past has been translated into a heavy dependence of the poorer areas on the richer north .
26 The present economic recession has highlighted the growing problems of financing an expanding education system and it has revived the debate on the contribution of education , and particularly higher education , to economic growth .
27 Sour note economic recession has said it would produce only 4.2 million tonnes of sugar this year , one of the lowest harvests in recent history .
28 At the same time , economic recession has led to sharp increases in unemployment , especially among young black people , and there has been a growth in black migration from impoverished and drought-stricken rural areas since the ending of influx controls in 1986 .
29 In the 1980s , the economic recession has produced a trend towards takeovers and mergers in the international record industry .
30 Furthermore , working class old people left behind in areas of deprivation , where the economic recession has bitten hard , may face difficulties of a quite different kind from their middle class counterparts .
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