Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] more " in BNC.

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1 The dissemination of information in the event of an incident is dealt with at three levels : the first is the normal system of press notices ; the second is the use of teletext and viewdata ( Ceefax and Prestel ) to get direct to members of the public at their homes or places of work ; the third is the use of Telecom Gold electronic mail to get more technical details to various official bodies , such as water authorities ( Jackson 1989 ) .
2 Only seventy people were known to the Inland Revenue to keep more than £6,000 net .
3 There was some activity , and the fires were clearly being stoked up with fresh wood to give more light ; and lit lamps were moving here and there .
4 I urge my hon. Friend to examine more carefully the health arrangements in many European Community countries , because Britain is one of the few in which a patient may visit a general practitioner and receive hospital treatment free of charge .
5 Common philosophy : What is becoming clear as the partnership progresses is that BP and Unipart share a common philosophy — based on quality products , a focus on giving customers the best possible service , and a commercial drive to get more bang for fewer bucks .
6 For example this can be syntactic and semantic information to ensure more meaningful results , especially for running text .
7 Assessors can use an accompanying checklist to make a more detailed assessment of certain factors , allowing the resulting completed form to reflect more closely and personally the assessed person 's needs .
8 It will also enable the British shipowner to compete more favourably with his foreign rivals as it is evident that if the English shipowner pays £pound4.15s a month whereas the foreign shipowners for the same class of labour pays only £pound2.10s a month , he must be better able to compete and members must therefore recognise the importance of the International Movement " .
9 In 1976 the Lord Chief Justice , dismissing Bass Charrington 's appeal against a proposal to ‘ open up ’ the interior at the Romans Hotel in Southwick , Sussex , declared that it might be ‘ undesirable in the public interest to see more public bars disappearing and more mergers of public and saloon bars of the kind in question here … ’
10 Two men from poor northern city backgrounds , who later became very wealthy , tried to set up their elderly parents in comfort : Andrew Carnegie , American millionaire bachelor , gave his Scots mother , ‘ my best friend and trustiest counsellor ’ , a house and a carriage and pair as he had promised her when young , while a Manchester mill-owner failed to persuade his old mother to spend more than £1 a week , but ‘ would pet her like the sweetheart she was . ’
11 One would expect extra income to matter more as the unemployment spell lengthens and benefits get reduced .
12 For the moment , the demand to make of the nuclear powers is not for a test ban but for five-power talks and joint research to explore more defensible ways of going about their testing business .
13 As also has been found for the other two scales , however , the inner city problem has become much more evident over the past decade since the deteriorating situation prompted central government to introduce more comprehensive powers in the 1978 Inner Urban Areas Act , to the extent that it was identified by the Prime Minister as the single most important challenge for the new Parliament after the 1987 General Election .
14 But while there is tremendous pressure to get more black and Asian characters into stories , a publisher told PEN an author would not be allowed to have a black villain .
15 The intended role of the SE is to facilitate cross-border co-operation by means of large-scale mergers and associations , which the Commission regard as imperative for the benefit of the Community , in order to enable European business to compete more efficiently in world markets against , for example , eg US and Japanese megaliths .
16 The Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) issued a memorandum on May 21 calling on the United States to " take a firm , practical and urgent stand to prevent more brutal and shameful barbarous crimes " .
17 From Friday to Sunday this week , the Autumn Franchise Exhibition at Birmingham 's NEC will provide a unique opportunity to meet more than 100 new and established franchise companies , under the umbrella of the BFA .
18 The current managerial restructuring of the NHS offers an ideal opportunity to involve more clinically based nurses in decision-making and agenda-setting within the organisation .
19 However , it could be argued , as has been done in the related literature on labour hoarding ( see Greer/Rhoades , 1977 ) , that establishments in a dominant market position might develop the organisational capacity to maintain more stable employment in the face of demand fluctuations , and WIRS does provide management 's assessment of sensitivity of output to price changes by competitors — a good indicator of the degree of market dominance .
20 It was gone in a moment , but briefly she 'd been filled with a sudden , oddly urgent desire to know more about him .
21 Overcome by a sudden desire to become more involved in the record business again , Branson developed an inexplicable passion for a very mediocre pop group called Headline , and signed them against Draper 's advice .
22 From about the mid-1870s the YMCA made a conscious effort to recruit more adolescent and working-class members , and extended its interests to include additional recreational and sporting facilities .
23 Over the past twelve months it has been my great privilege to become more closely involved with those with disabilities , I have seen the enormous efforts being made to encourage participation at a very high competitive level as well as tremendous strides being made at many clubs to bring disabled people into sailing at all levels .
24 Given the substantial experience that many schools have built up of alternative timetabling structures — through the provision of BTEC courses , for instance , or CPVE , or through modular and cyclical courses under TVEI — it is hard to believe that schools will not take the opportunity of reviewing present practice to reflect more closely what we know about effective learning .
25 Finally , it is of great importance to discover more about how the listener 's brain identifies what it receives from the ear ( stages 4 and 5 ) ; many experiments have shown how sensitive we are to very slight acoustic differences and how flexible we are in being able to adjust to very different speakers .
26 In 1963 the corporate-tax rate in America was around 50% , giving firms a powerful incentive to borrow more .
27 It investigates the effects of Quality Circles on Management style and attitudes , how they fit into companies ' overall strategies towards improvement and innovation and how they help the present organisation to work more efficiently .
28 This would be a very good chance to get more friendly still .
29 This can be done for any letter position , including the first and the last letters of a word , and for more than one letter position , although it is not a good policy to allow more than two per word if the accuracy of the recogniser is to be relied on at all .
30 FAMILY records in Scotland dating back to the early 1800s have played an important role in an international effort to learn more about an inherited form of breast and ovarian cancer .
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