Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our intention was to fly low level VFR into French airspace , climb onto airways VFR , then , as we were expecting to catch up a cold front around Limoges , refile IFR and continue to our destination expecting an IFR approach with a reported cloud base of 600 to 800 ft .
2 At Moscow University , where the political economist I. V. Vernadskii found ways of advocating the emancipation of the serfs even before discussion of the subject was officially permitted , the staff changed so much that the liberally inclined Sergei Solov'ev began to look like a conservative .
3 They were named as Lebanese citizen Charles Ghanem and Israeli citizen Leo From .
4 Some of the similarities between the East Asian and the pre-Columbian American civilisations can be explained by the fact that people may have moved across the bridge of land which connected north-east Asia to north-west America 15,000 or more years ago .
5 Bangor 's new coach , New Zealander , Duncan Dysart will be on hand to see his charges when they face junior side Banbridge at Upritchard Park .
6 Although his career may be on the wane , he should still prove a useful asset to Ballymena , who just pipped top Junior side Coleraine for the veteran 's services .
7 He left Ayr to become player-coach of junior side Glenafton for a fee of £1,000 and less than £100 per match .
8 A pre-tax income OA on the horizontal axis corresponds to the same post-tax income OA on the vertical axis .
9 In the celebrated case Wilson v Rickett Cockerell and Co Ltd [ 1954 ] 1 QB 598 , the Court of Appeal held the seller liable for damage to property caused by a detonator which was included in a consignment of Coalite .
10 We are now seeking experts for long and short term assignments in Francophone West Africa in the following disciplines :
11 As far as I have been able to discover , the first papers in French West Africa to be owned and controlled by Africans were Le Cri Nègre and Le Phare du Dahomey .
12 French West Africa in the late 1940s might not seem the most urgent subject for your attention .
13 However , Rock City looked a shadow of the brilliant juvenile who dominated those events when a well-beaten fourth behind the French colt Machiavellian at Longchamp .
14 Ekstrom has played for Italian club Empoli , Bayern Munich and French club Cannes during his career .
15 DEFENDING champions Ajax Amsterdam were knocked out of the UEFA Cup last night when a 1–0 home victory was not enough to claw back a 4–2 first leg deficit to French club Auxerre in the quarter-finals .
16 The description of Tristan 's education given by the great medieval German poet Gottfried of Strasbourg bears witness to the fact that this change in the pattern of a child 's life could be intensely felt and vividly remembered .
17 But composer Sir Andrew says Moore is now in the running to play ageing lothario George in the £15 million film , although he is also considering Michael Caine for the part .
18 The tracks of the old South Brent to Kingsbridge line still run past the house , and the original station canopy survives .
19 To investigate this ability of different recombinant GGFs to be secreted , we determined for the two human cDNA clones the distribution of total expressed GGF ( Schwann cell mitogenic ) activity between cell lysate and conditioned medium after transient mammalian transfections ( Table 2 ) .
20 OXFORD University congratulated old boy Clinton with a mixture of pleasure and pomp .
21 In 1915 , they sank the British liner Lusitania off the coast of southern Ireland , and among the many passengers drowned were 128 American citizens .
22 HANSON , the Imperial Tobacco-to-Jacuzzi conglomerate , has sold the Australian construction and property interests of its recently-acquired subsidiary Beazer to B&B Asia for A$32½m ( £14½m ) .
23 Independent software vendor support for IBM 's OLTP on RS/6000 announcements included Micro Focus Cobol for Encina ; Redbrick systems Gold Mine SQL Data Access and Retrieval database accelerator ; JYACC 's JAM graphical user interface builder for Encina ; AMS Accounting for DCE/Encina and Informix and Oracle for Encina/CICS .
24 Version 3.0 of Micro Focus Cobol for Unix , Toolbox for Unix , Operating System Extensions for Unix , and Dialogue System for Unix , version 1.1 are claimed to simplify the typically complex process of developing client-server applications .
25 Micro Focus Cobol for Unix provides the highest level of ANSI standard Cobol syntax , IBM OS/VS Cobol , VS Cobol II , and X/Open XPG4 syntax and is fully compatible with the company 's Cobol 3.0 for MS-DOS and OS/2 .
26 Micro Focus Cobol for Unix v3.0 is now $1,250 per concurrent user under the new plan , Toolbox for Unix v3.0 costs $625 per user , the two together are $1,875 , and Dialog System for Unix v3.0 is $1,250 the firm said .
28 In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa of March 28 King Fahd said that the " prevailing democratic system in the world " was not suitable for the region , and that Islam favoured " the consultative system and the openness between the ruler and his subjects " rather than the " free elections " , which might be suitable for other countries .
29 Held , dismissing the appeal , that notwithstanding the wording of section 8(2) of the Finance Act 1986 W. Plc. was not a member of the self-regulating organisation Lautro for the purposes of the Act and had no right of appeal to Lautro under the provisions of Lautro 's 1988 Rules ; that Lautro had a duty to act fairly not only to its members but , in appropriate circumstances , to those appointed representatives on which , in accordance with its rules , an intervention notice was to be served ; but that , in determining whether those affected by an intervention notice should be permitted to make representations before the notice was served , Lautro had to balance their interests against the interests of investors pending a full inquiry ; and that , having decided to serve the notice as a matter of urgency , Lautro should not be burdened with the necessity to decide whether time permitted it to receive representations before it served the notice ( post , pp. 575C–G , 576A–C , 577C–D , 579E — 580A , D — 581B , 582E ) .
30 If he wins that he 's set to meet Newcastle 's newly-crowned British champion Davison in the Spring with both titles at stake .
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