Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] when " in BNC.

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1 This shows one way in which the various parts of Charlemagne 's empire could retain their cultural unity even when they broke up politically .
2 The administration of justice by such bodies is a public function even when all the parties to the action are non-governmental .
3 Furthermore , the stigmatising effects of a residual model of service provision , by which the state intervened with direct help only when all else fails , would be of great concern .
4 In any event , if great prominence came to be given to APR , many people could be misled about the comparative value of competing credit arrangements ; partly because our calculations show that small and sometimes insignificant differences in what the buyer actually has to pay for credit can make for huge and therefore misleadingly imposing differences in APR ; partly because it will tend to make longer-term borrowing look more attractive than shorter-term borrowing even when ( given that the great majority of people prefer to pay off their debts as quickly as possible ) this may not be best for people .
5 Colt went to the Khan Murjan in the old quarter only when someone else picked up the bill .
6 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
7 She and Keith moved into a cold , damp flat together when she was pregnant , from which they were moved into a hotel before ending up in her present home , on the outskirts of a sprawling town .
8 But I get a different feeling now when I look out over London .
9 Brown and Birley ( 1968 ) argued that people who have a history of schizophrenia have a high sensitivity to their social environment even when they have no apparent symptoms .
10 They take a different approach too when describing grand-parent/grandchildren relationships .
11 This section describes those facilities available within LIFESPAN to transfer modules to offline storage automatically when they have not been accessed for a configurable period of time .
12 So I mean if the man was going to take it on himself I mean er he used the French letter then when that clinic started up as I would say , the women would go there you see stop that lark because they did n't even they did n't even let , er take very kindly to the French letters some of them did n't you know , the men .
13 It 's a a dif different thing altogether when you 've got time to do that really .
14 Why the Romans threw themselves into the difficult business of absorbing the culture of one foreign nation just when they were involved in exhausting wars with another foreign nation , remains one of those puzzles which characterize nations in their most inscrutable and decisive hours .
15 Simply by filling in a form giving a few details such as variety of wheat to be grown , date of planting and previous cropping in the field , Davies and his colleagues can , with the addition of weather data fed in 365 days a year from 45 centres around the country , predict with unerring accuracy exactly when the farmer should spread his ‘ Nitram ’ to get the best results .
16 Scientists , economically linked to their enterprise and preoccupied with patents , can not be trusted to protect the public interest even when they seem to try .
17 the setting of prices and returns on assets held by the private sector especially when the debtor has market power .
18 Tip : Always dry lettuce carefully when using it as a filling to prevent sandwiches going soggy .
19 In some cases it was necessary to return to the parental home even when parents were not wholly supportive , for lack of viable alternatives , as in the situation described by this respondent ,
20 Such tactics pre-empted violent resistance even when occasional arrests had to be made ( Waddington et al. , 1989:76–7 ) .
21 Fairclough is still a very good central defender especially when he is man marking .
22 Penny and her Second , Sylvia , talked about it all the way to the corner where Sylvia turned off for home , and Penny only remembered her lost budgie again when Sylvia said goodbye and added : ‘ I do hope you find Kelpie soon , Penny . ’
23 Such people are all privileged in limited degree even when they reside elsewhere .
24 When we have attempted to replicate Thorndyke 's finding with undergraduate students we have invariably found that subjects are very good at guessing the overall theme even when they are not explicitly told what it is .
25 This implies that the original Phillips curve is the appropriate curve only when the expected rate of price inflation is zero .
26 Does that , does a copy of that go into the divisional file only when some conclusion of that , whether it is going to happen or not , that side .
27 These forms of repetitive and obsessive behaviour become so ingrained in the horse , that they become part of the horse 's ordinary behaviour even when it is not bored .
28 Changes in desired nominal spending , that is shifts in the aggregate demand curve , can affect real output even when expectations are rational , but only if those changes in aggregate demand are random and unpredictable .
29 It produces wine of great finesse and penetrating perfume which can dominate an entire cuvée even when its presence might only be a small proportion of the whole .
30 He was a final-year student there when he went down to the provincial town of Kecskemet to earn some pocket money by delivering lectures .
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