Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
2 1.2 In anticipation of the royalties that are payable under clause 1.1a the Publisher agrees to make a single advance payment of to the Author on signature and return of this contract .
3 German Greenpeace , the second-largest branch of of Greenpeace International , has been criticized for spending only a third of donations on campaigns and putting much of the rest aside .
4 There was a pungent smell from along the hall and some dogs barking out the back .
5 With strong support from within the university Smith was elected to replace him , though he himself felt that the other applicant should have been chosen .
6 That 's an unmarried daughter that you should be giving due recognition to for the efforts that she may have put in .
7 The new Marxist government was saved only by a Cuban expeditionary force of at least 20,000 men , with logistical back-up from the Soviet Union .
8 and indeed in terms of the low figure of of of thirty one thousand it it 's statistically conceivable that no local needs would be met .
9 He makes himself known with a tiny , metallic clink-clink-clink from within the bushes .
10 It makes an illuminating contrast having Ives 's much more idiosyncratic setting of At the River as well as Copland 's .
11 The older man , a moustachioed veteran of about his own age , rose as he entered .
12 He pulled a low seat from under the bed and gently eased her down to it .
13 The department enjoys the advantages of being a compact and friendly department of about one hundred and fifty undergraduate students , whilst belonging to a large Faculty of Science and Engineering .
14 In the teaching controversy he declared himself a strong advocate of at least fingerspelling and stressed the importance of training , knowledge of deaf people and experience of teaching in deaf schools as primary qualifications for teachers .
15 I mentioned this to no one for two practical reasons : one was that I loathed swimming , and if I pretended that I was still menstruating , signing the little red book every four weeks , I should be able to evade an unpleasant experience for at least one week out of four ; the other was that I feared further reprisals might be taken against me .
16 In this case however there would be a proper framework for for that evaluation to take place .
17 The result of all this has been a rapid rise in in registered unemployment er nevertheless and a steep rise in in long term unemployment .
18 If a company can limit its interruption claim to a period of three months rather than three years , it could expect a premium reduction of between 25 and 50 per cent .
19 It 's agreed that we should be looking at improving the standard in D risk areas etc etc etc etc but we should have a higher level of cover , not putting anybody into a suffering situation , quite the reverse that we would have an improved level of of cover within the County and the Chief Officer he 's said this time and time again .
20 Green leaves and curling tendrils were escaping under the edge of the dome like curly hair from beneath a helmet .
21 The detailed administration of applications is handled by a full-time Modular Admissions Officer who draws on clerical support from within the Registry and who makes substantial use of the central computer services .
22 Furthermore , as it appeared to have popular support from within the hobby , more detailed information was needed before reacting any further .
23 Toby saw him take up the pile of wet flannel from beside the bath and chuck it at his face .
24 Top award for VS Naipaul
25 He received a lesser ban at about the same time for receiving three yellow cards too , and because his team have still at least one game to play , the Irish international must serve his ban immediately .
26 the Community-wide turnover of at least two of the undertakings must exceed 250 million ecu ( roughly £175 million ) ; and
27 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
28 He appealed for information from anyone who had witnessed the incident , particularly people who might have been leaving the nearby Greenstead social club at about the same time .
29 An example is the terrace around Lake Harrison at a little above 120 m ( 400 ft ) OD ( see Chapter 14 ) , which might easily be confused with the well-known British marine terrace at about the same level but probably much earlier in date .
30 The four volumes of this work are to be accompanied soon by a further five , the whole series presented as making up the definitive study of of quantum theory in an historical context .
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