Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're going in the right direction but I do n't know where the piste has got to . ’
2 Maybe we 'll come across a friendly native with a forked stick going in the right direction and I 'll give him the big-screen smile and hand it over .
3 ‘ We are trying to educate young people and point them in the right direction and I do n't think we are fulfilling our duty very well when we have a rule like this . ’
4 I could n't kick a door if I was sat on the bloody latch so I had to do something else . ’
5 What , why have you put down that you have your regional accent and I have an Irish accent ?
6 When I realised that Barny was untrainable , I knew I would have to find a hand-reared owl if I was to stand any chance of training one successfully .
7 I know I 'm on the right route when I spot a bus marked ‘ Pensioners Touring Kerry ’ .
8 Anyway , my ole man 'ad pissed orf an' I was a bit short o' money .
9 It was a short-lived experience before I was nailed into a coffin and transported by car across the rubble-strewn streets of this war-torn city .
10 It was a strange experience and I felt out of place , like the old duck out of water .
11 I tried the church door one last time in the vain hope that I had mistakenly found it closed , but closed it remained .
12 But he added : ‘ First and foremost , I 'm a professional footballer and I make sure everyone knows that .
13 I do not want matriarchy to replace patriarchy as an interim measure because I retain unshakeable faith in women 's ability to organize , to be caring and to be , just in so many ways , superior to men .
14 ‘ Because of the angle I had no chance of getting it over the bar with my right foot so I simply hit it with the left and it went over . ’
15 Yeah , I 've I sprayed it pink for the Rocky Horror and I ca n't get it out !
16 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
17 I was given the inside lane and I was furious and protested .
18 " Lift that bloody foot like I told you ! "
19 I would phone twice a day , and , of course , I would leave you a complete itinerary where I could be reached if you needed me . ’
20 ‘ You 'll have to forgive me , Chief Inspector , I 've got a one-track mind and I 'm here only to locate the man called Colt , the Englishman who murdered an Agency man in Athens . ’ ,
21 Barbara told Clinton : ‘ There is a shift in the political wind and I feel that it 's blowing our way . ’
22 It would be wrong to conclude a link between heterosexuality and low self-esteem because I know and work with many healthy heterosexuals .
23 IT was with total disbelief that I read F Jefferay 's letter suggesting that the stiff fines imposed on those caught driving with worn tyres were designed purely to reduce car ownership .
24 My worst country I think would be New Zealand as I do n't remember any of the country and it would appear to me a complete stranger if I moved there .
25 I had just checked into the hotel and come down to the sunken terrace when I saw armed men running in a crouched position by the swimming pool .
26 To some it will seem perverse to choose to inhabit that village-world of rural prejudice but I was never a town-child and the Scottish cities in particular hold no charms for me .
27 The problem is mostly on my right side as I am right handed .
28 Thirty pairs of eyes stared with unwavering concentration as I dipped my hand into the all-too-familiar breakfast of slightly sour rice and salted fish .
29 Now it 's on the financial and administrative side that I suspect that the Home Office is concerned about and I believe they 've gone the wrong way about it .
30 Alan set up the legal part of it and the political side and I would come in with the more spiritual side of it : the demand for separation from the Irish Presbyterian Church that was operating in cahoots with O'Neill at that time .
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