Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] would " in BNC.

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1 The trustees claim they did not know anything about the clause , are a voluntary body on low income and would be unable to pay a market rent and become responsible for maintenance .
2 The idea was to create a spatial framework that would carry the sightline of viewers towards a central focus .
3 The Germans are more to be trusted with maintaining the value of European money than would be a Central Bank with votes for inflationary countries like Greece , Britain or Italy .
4 ISS assumed that the first three years would continue with a broad curriculum and would include subjects ( such as home economics ) which at present few schools consider to be compulsory in the fourth and fifth years .
5 They stayed in the bedroom for half an hour or so , talking , looking at the things , talking : and Clara remembered thinking at the time that it was just such a honeysuckle-filtered , sunny conversational afternoon that would in years to come , whatever those years might bring , cause her the most sad and exquisite nostalgia .
6 What I needed was a solid holder that would n't let pencils bend or break , and a retainer that would expand and contract a million times .
7 It is hard to imagine Greeks letting basic decisions about their future be taken by a European parliament that would be about 97% non-Greek .
8 A number accepted that the SNP would benefit from having a seat at the committee which is being discussed as a second chamber for the European Parliament and would open up avenues for new relationships with parties across Europe .
9 The latter would be called a subjective budget and would list items in headings such as buildings , staff , rent , rates , capitation , in terms of the total spent in each category , rather than show how part of each category related to a particular programme .
10 Moves to clean up Britain 's heavily polluted cities and countryside were welcome , but without resources the proposed measures were merely wishful thinking and would prove a cosmetic exercise .
11 The Scots had failed to appreciate that the organizational structure of sixteen years earlier was now outmoded , and acute financial problems ensued and put the Games on the verge of bankruptcy , facing cancellation with the total humiliation that would mean for Scotland and Britain .
12 Until such contacts are in place , deep mined output would not be attractive to the private industry and would not be saleable .
13 The latter would be subject to less extensive review than would tribunals and other administrative institutions .
14 However , this mill differs from the simple prototype in having a brickbuilt outshot against its south-east elevation which was constructed to house an auxiliary steam-engine that would be brought into use during periods of drought .
15 The EFTA states were agreed on only one thing : they rejected the sequence of events beyond a free trade area postulated by the Treaty of Rome , accepting EFTA as the only possible alternative that would offer some benefits to its members should the EEC prove effective .
16 Labour would have backed his ambitious scheme to step up funding for European industry and would have been less rigid in opposing transfers of cash to the poorer regions .
17 He pledged : ‘ The Government has no intention of engineering a short-lived boom that would lead swiftly to higher inflation and higher interest rates .
18 Bourgeois Republicans and right-wing Socialists like Prieto , Minister of Navy and Air in the Largo Caballero cabinet , and Dr Juan Negrín , Minister of Finance , argued that collectivization caused economic disruption and would alienate the lower-middle-class and better-off peasantry from the Republic .
19 Anxious talk of inflation has given way to even more anxious talk of a steep recession that would wring much of Poland 's industry out of existence .
20 No rational person , he says , would enter into a social contract that would ‘ leave to other men the choice of killing him ’ .
21 It is the left that has espoused the causes of sexual and racial equality with enough vigour to persuade the establishment that action needed to be taken ( a host of anti-discrimination measures and laws ) , but without the power to make the sort of widespread social change that would render this sort of fussy , bureaucratic measurement unnecessary .
22 The fretting gives the neck a feel which resembles that of an acoustic guitar and would probably take some players a bit of time to get used to .
23 The centralized bureaucratic apparatus of the state became subordinated to the interests of the dominant economic groups that were already creating a commercial agriculture and would subsequently promote industrial development : ‘ for the first time a state had been created whose policies and activities were shaped in response to the needs and movement of civil society ’ ( Gamble 1981 : 67 ) .
24 It is the work of two young and future geniuses of their generation , who together worked out the principles of architectural truthfulness that would guide the Arts and Crafts Movement in the future .
25 Will be about everything , not just the top bit but would include comment of the whole
26 The tempo run would be done at about your best 10-mile speed and would last 15–20 minutes .
27 The retention of every minor detail might prove impractical , but there will be some historical study that would benefit from all the data being extant .
28 She was an old lady and would have found it hard to forget
29 She told a conference organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh that such a conclusion would not win universal acclaim and would be seen by some as lowering the moral tone of the country .
30 Left : Trout with Stilton is a tasty dish that would make a good seasonal starter
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