Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The fact that France had already received the lion 's share of new European component investment over the previous five years was beside the point .
2 This , he says , will be increased to £40m to allow for the insulation of 250,000 low income homes over the next year .
3 As the curtain opened there hobbled from the wings what appeared to be an old Chinese mandarin with flowing blue robes , black silk jacket and red-buttoned Mandarin cap over hair that fell down his back in a long pigtail .
4 The Deserted Medieval Village Research Group ( now the Medieval Villages Research Group ) , which was formed in 1952 as a multi-disciplinary research body , drawing in geographers , historians , and archaeologists as well as natural scientists , has revolutionised our concepts of rural settlement changes over the last 2000 years .
5 A colt by Shirley Heights , he is sure to go on to better things following a narrow debut victory over Shepton Mallet at Newmarket in July .
6 A colt by Shirley Heights , he is sure to go on to better things following a narrow debut victory over Shepton Mallet at Newmarket in July .
7 Sadly , however , his delicate tidiness is wasted-the bin is a bottomless shell and the liquid vomit showers over the wall , on to his trousers .
8 She watched his tall figure stride over the marble floor .
9 Despite these various arguments suggesting high unemployment from rapid technical change which are based on the foundation laid by him , Leontief has himself , with a colleague ( Leontief and Duchin 1983 ) , recently published the results of a survey of the likely effects of new technology on the US economy up to the year 2000 which concludes that , far from there being net job losses , there will be a substantial rise in the aggregate labour force over this period due to the rapid take-up of the technology .
10 At the same time he introduced progressive speed trials over the measured mile for all vessels built at the yard .
11 But the cost of conversion often pushed the total outlay way over the property 's market value .
12 Nor does British Rail enthuse over job prospects .
13 Eventually I realised that a weapon could be more effective than my 11-year-old fists and depleted teeth , so I smashed an empty milk bottle over his head .
14 A German Foreign Ministry spokesperson reported that a meeting of EC representatives in Lisbon on April 2 had approved a German proposal for a formal EC protest to the Turkish government over the recent military action against civilians [ see pp. 38833-34 ; for resignation of German Defence Minister over sale of vehicles to Turkey see p. 38822 ] .
15 The firm emerges as Britain 's top performing company over the last five years .
16 Their resale potential is , however , undermined by their standardized production , and , although they will probably hold their value better than most Indian , Chinese , Pakistani or Balkan items , they are unlikely to develop high investment potential over the longer term .
17 OK , so her date with O'Shea had n't turned out as he 'd imagined , but the fact remained she had chosen her old college buddy over him — a fact that rankled for reasons he did n't care to examine .
18 Declining car sales in the UK last year did little to dent the popularity of German car manufacturers over here .
19 It all leaves an interesting question mark over the area so far as I am concerned .
20 It may mean also that strikes are openly directed against state policy as much as against management 's negotiating position , as with the French public sector strike in the mid-1960s against government fixing of the total wage bill ( Dubois 1975 : 114–15 ) , or the wave of public sector conflicts over the Spanish government 's wage control and restructuring policies in early 1987 .
21 Bus services were excluded from the committee 's remit as , even before deregulation , buses operated in a much more competitive and diversified environment than the public sector monopolies over whose transport services TUCCs were designed to act as watchdogs .
22 With an average of 10,000 tennis playing members in his clubs alone , Lloyd has hit upon the formula which by its very success , is speedily replacing the ‘ traditional ’ tag which had so burdened the British tennis club over the years .
23 By comparing the labour supply data of different groups facing different tax rates over time , it is possible to build statistical models that include a measure of labour supply response .
24 In other words , dandy fresh pop grooves over a disco sweet funk grind , which can all be found on ‘ Rollercoaster ’ , their sexy single out this month .
25 NGOs criticise English Nature agreement over peat bogs
26 But then again I 've got fucking smoking chimney pot over there .
27 Hung safety chains over the outgoing pipes here and at the upstream connection manhold .
28 Tessa was n't even dressed — she was wearing his old tweed overcoat over her pyjamas .
29 Each Europartenariat to date has generated an average of around 3,000 pre-arranged business appointments over a two-day period .
30 Beats per second derived from an observer counting fast-phase eye movements over a 10–20s period .
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