Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 Oh , we 're sure they were but er this was the thing with a private collier company where you had er a sort of , not quite chairman , of the colliery sitting there at the top o in the office , watching everybody come and go .
2 Eleven of these studies actually show the striking reminiscence effect where recall in the arousal condition is actually better after a delay than immediately after learning .
3 The Child 's Game is basically a free play situation where the child chooses any series of activities for 10–15 minutes during which the parent will join in under the child 's direction .
4 This is admittedly a rather crude distinction , but one which could be justified by the very uneven break — some 80 per cent of establishments were " non-users " for each category — which it produced ; For experimental purposes we also separated out " high user establishments where the number of fixed-term contract or agency workers used was the equivalent of five per cent or more of the labour force but the results thereby obtained were not more instructive than those obtained by the initial classification and so are reported upon only in a limited fashion .
5 As this wall faces north the sun seldom shines on any of these , a dismal fact for gardeners working in them but usual for old kitchen gardens where every inch of warm south-facing ground was wanted for crops .
6 It is no doubt true that there is a reduced need for rigorous liability rules where the shareholders are in a position to exercise a real , informed choice about the appointment and removal of directors , and are prepared to engage in active monitoring of management .
7 West German tourists and Czechoslovaks gathered on street corners to cheer and wave as seven chartered Czechoslovak buses began many hours of ferrying the East Germans to the distant suburban rail terminus where trains arrived through the night to take them to West Germany .
8 Explore the medieval side streets where prices are often lower .
9 After struggling free he went to nearby Bassetlaw Hospital where doctors closed the quarter-inch deep gash .
10 Erm I do n't think I did no , oh no they did n't they would n't think of doing that then , but they do now and erm then I , I 've been around at Wiggens the old hall table where people you know , worked in the warehouse there and I 've done all sorts
11 Eventually we came to the Old Mill area where there were no railings at the waterside , making the mill pond quite a frightening place for small children .
12 In sexual abuse cases where leave is sought for the child to be interviewed by an expert the court may stipulate that all interviews be recorded on video tape as advocated by Douglas Brown J in Rochdale Borough Council v B W , A K and others ( 1991 ) cited above , a wardship case involving allegations of ritual abuse .
13 This dilemma is particularly acute in sexual abuse cases where the evidence is often inconclusive .
14 What was found was that referral types were spread fairly equally across both time periods except in the case of sexual abuse referrals where 9 out of 12 referrals were received in hours .
15 This is particularly important for public sector organisations where a change in the ruling political party may mean a change in policies and priorities .
16 In practice , social work records where relevant are likely to be introduced into the proceedings via the guardian ad litem .
17 Many small hotels and similar establishments keep analysed cash books where the income and expenditure is analysed .
18 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
19 It was just coming up to three o'clock when the taxi dropped them off in the old town square and Ven guided her to the old town hall where , with barely a minute to go before the run-through of the astronomical clock , Fabia stood in rapt attention .
20 The highest-capacity undersea system now in use is capable of carrying 80,000 concurrent phone conversations where a 20Gbps system could carry 8m concurrent calls .
21 It is primarily an interbank trading market where banks lend and borrow overnight or up to one year on an unsecured basis .
22 Peter went over to a carved oak buffet where drinks were laid out , and at the sound of clinking glass Marc said over his shoulder , ‘ Do n't start knocking it back .
23 Although it was not entirely to his liking , politically it was preferable to a free trade area where Britain would play a leading role .
24 At the end of this was an old chalk pit where cowslips had bloomed in the spring but now common spotted orchids and ox-eye daisies caught the eye .
25 Mr Gallie wants to see a daily television slot where people who have committed violent attacks or murders have their faces unveiled .
26 A popular hotel , run by the Scarfo family , it is surrounded by a terrace overlooking a swimming pool with children 's area and a complimentary whirlpool bath where guests can relax .
27 The juice spills off the press 's spout in a clear golden stream , into the tub , up the bilge pump , down the garden hose and into the old sherry barrels where the yeasts get to work , turning the sugars into alcohol .
28 This is in contrast to high intensity areas where mechanical removal of vegetation coupled with intensive weeding and mowing have altered the environment to such a degree that forest recolonisation is unlikely .
29 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
30 High cost areas where drug information can help with comparative costs
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