Example sentences of "[adj] [am/are] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He should not be named , but he begged me to tell the outside world of the appalling situation where the wounded are dying unnecessarily because the UN are refusing to transport the wounded out of the city . ’
2 And Labour are looking forward to an even bigger laugh next week when Laurel and Hardy take their act to the Tory Conference in Brighton .
3 ‘ The English are playing so they wo n't lose .
4 While the British are agonising over their future choices in Europe , Europe is hardly ever discussed in France .
5 The real irony is that if , as so many commentators suggest , the British are becoming increasingly disillusioned with and disinterested in the royal family , all these much-hyped books would stop selling .
6 Universal are putting up .
7 Some people claim it is not really a mission civilisatrice at all that the French are conducting here .
8 THE French are forking out to learn the secrets of Wembley 's hallowed turf .
9 But such a tax would drastically hit the sales of tapes , which the Japanese are relying on to justify the £25 million factory in Telford , Shropshire .
10 One obvious conclusion that could be drawn from the review is that the Japanese are steaming ahead with welldefined information technology plans .
11 Now the Japanese are gearing up for a third try .
12 ‘ The Japanese are coming in through ‘ Big Bang ’ ’ .
13 Despite the challenges associated with building up large-scale production , the Japanese are forging ahead in display technology — and for very good reasons .
14 David Dunbar and his team from Aid Unlimited are setting off on September 15 with a 12-ton lorry packed with vital supplies for orphanages in Arad , Tamisura , and Tackash .
15 Despite a minority of hecklers in the crowd , Toni Childs was well appreciated by the audience who I 'm sure are looking forward to her return .
16 Over half the severely disabled elderly are living only with the spouse and exactly half the spouses caring for an elderly disabled partner are men .
17 We are told that the elderly are living too long , will cost the country too much money and there will be no services enabling them to live with dignity .
18 The poverty statistics are cited as further support for the view that the elderly are becoming better off in relation to the rest of society .
19 But United are hanging on to ‘ Captain Marvel ’ leaving Derby boss Arthur Cox admitting : ‘ We made an inquiry for Robson , but United turned us down flat and said he was not available . ’
20 United are playing well .
21 United are playing well .
22 Dairy Farm and Mandarin Oriental are expanding abroad successfully .
23 First , if the economy in general and industry in particular are operating substantially below capacity , how can the existence of a current account deficit of approximately 2% of GDP be explained ?
24 THE WELSH are closing in on the standards of play that immortalised the sixties and seventies as the golden age of their rugby .
25 As I said earlier I 'm getting really pissed with the tight fisted attitued of the board — Shef Utd are becomming more attractive by the minute at least they 've no pretensions of having dosh .
26 In its infancy the mobile phone was synonymous with that other eighties icon , the yuppie , but cellular usage is now at its highest in the construction industry , and large groups of the self-employed are becoming increasingly reliant on mobile communications .
27 The homeless are suffering just as much in my constituency of Newcastle-under-Lyme and other districts throughout the country , as in London .
28 Once the young are feeding happily on flake they require no special treatment ; a larger tank will soon be needed , and regular partial water changes will encourage rapid growth and good health .
29 GET-RICH-QUICK offers in the recession , and the belief that all advertisements are genuine are luring otherwise sophisticated consumers into bogus mail order schemes , the Advertising Standards Authority says today .
30 Yeah , the catholic are coming out at half past nine are n't they .
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