Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] is the " in BNC.

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1 These courses would be much more cross-disciplinary than is the case now .
2 " I appreciate your position , Mr Grout , but I 'm afraid that is the way things are set up .
3 The wording here ( ‘ is treated as having a separate deposit ’ ) is different from subsection ( 3 ) ( ‘ treated as entitled to the deposit ’ ) , but in my view the intended effect is clear and is the same in both cases .
4 The presence of symptomatic gall stones in eight patients is interesting and is the subject of a more thorough investigation .
5 The Londonderry club is 71 years old and is the third oldest Rotary Club in Ireland .
6 If primaries are ruled out , lists must be drawn up by delegates of the parties , best chosen by a postal ballot and assembled as is the usual West German practice in a nominating convention .
7 Fancye and fresh as is the emrawde grene ,
8 Erm his name James Buchanan James Buchanan was asked to do something about the violations of the Fugitive Slave Law , this is the one that returned slaves back to their owners , erm and Buchanan said , I quote wisely limited and restrained as is the president 's power under our constitution , he alone can accomplish but little for good or for evil on such a momentous question .
9 Under these circumstances , it is scarcely surprising that walking in Britain is of diminishing importance , with total distance walked decreasing as is the percentage of all journeys that are made on foot .
10 This sense of ‘ apartness ’ reinforces the internal reliance of the mining community — or ‘ cohesive mass segregation ’ ( p. 69 ) — and also promotes a greater level of strike-proneness than is the case in more heterogeneous industrial settlements .
11 Sorry that is the county council 's view .
12 The financial upset is about six thousand pounds , but it' ; s the emotional upset that is the most disturbing thing
13 Note , however , that this should not be as explicit as is the name of the murderer .
14 The latter has much in common with both pavements from Leicester , but the kaleidoscopic patterns are not identical to those of the Blackfriars mosaic , while the floral device of the lozenge arrangement ( based on four halves of an eight-lozenge star , around a central square ) in the St. Nicholas Street pavement is tilted , not perpendicular as is the floral device in the Great Witcombe mosaic .
15 The well developed buccal capsule of the adult parasite is prominent as is the bursa of the male .
16 The reform of our outdated and undemocratic voting system in particular is the change which will make other reforms possible and is the key to a successful future .
17 It is multicultural and is the largest active organisation of women artists in the world .
18 Nicknamed Zhorik , Litichevsky is very tall , very shy and is the premier cartoon/comics artist in the USSR .
19 The bell tower dates from the eleventh-century and is the oldest in the Lombardy Romanesque style that still exists .
20 He 's quick and strong and is the type who will get on the end of things rather than play a big part in the build-up .
21 The shift from evidence of accuracy in performance under certain conditions to general conclusions about internalization of competence is in principle no more justified than is the extrapolation from pigeon pecking to human verbal behaviour .
22 For example , is the slope of the forward transfer characteristic versus at constant and is the slope of the output characteristic versus at constant input current .
23 The need for teacher education and staff development for further education is therefore urgent and is the subject of much debate and not a little progress .
24 Although more people are aware of the term ‘ Euthanasia ’ and what this entails , general attitudes about death and its meaning are at best still ambivalent as is the case also in America , but where there is evidence since the 1960s of a burgeoning of courses in schools , colleges and some universities .
25 Piecemeal approaches to rural development are as inappropriate as is the encouragement of people in the belief that they can have similar services , income levels and amenities to those existing in other areas when policy and local circumstances will never in practice be able to provide them .
26 The visual similarity in the detailed structure is obvious as is the regular nature of the rhythm ( Fig. 3 above left ) .
27 ‘ The advantage to be derived by the lower class of your parishioners in case of accident or severe illness from such an asylum is sufficiently obvious as is the great saving to the parish rates ’ .
28 In their examination of the Narnia stories , the Rustins ( 1987 , pp.47–8 ) found that C. S. Lewis gave distinct roles to the male and female characters : ‘ The sexual division of labour is entirely conventional as is the apportionment of sensitivity and intuition to girls and courage and decisiveness to the boys ’ .
29 Is it any wonder Solaris 2.0-on-Intel is late or is the summer heat just making us cranky ?
30 This has the advantage that , as the level of prices alters over time , the variance of the logarithm of the price relatives is more likely to be stationary than is the variance of the alternatives .
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