Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it may " in BNC.

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1 Most of the work is bespoke design and making where a client has definite requirements ; the brief may be very specific or it may be quite open .
2 It may be one that is large and far-reaching or it may appear relatively small and trivial but … ( of ) special significance for the person who makes it is that his choice will help to determine the pattern of his unique development over time .
3 It may be pleasant or it may be unpleasant .
4 This is of less importance but may confirm what was already clear or it may help to differentiate between two or more remedies which are equally close .
5 This may be due to the poor quality of the preaching or it may be due to the fact that some Christians have their own interpretation of the dominical saying , ‘ Except ye be as little children ye can not enter the kingdom of heaven ’ .
6 And thirdly , conflict may be spontaneous or it may be organised .
7 The Government has made it clear that it may not use its power of veto , which protects Jaguar from takeover until the end of next year by limiting individual investors to a 15 per cent holding .
8 Their distress and sadness about the predicament of their partner will be no different although it may be concealed from others by awkwardness about their sexual preference .
9 Justice is done in public so it may be discussed and criticised in public . "
10 The hon. Gentleman is so distinguished that it may be some time since he has sat on a Standing Committee .
11 Notes retails at around £400 a user ( with discounts on multiple purchases ) , and is getting so popular that it may well emerge as the de facto standard for disseminating information .
12 In fact , we believe the concept is so popular that it may soon become a national , or even international event ’ .
13 I am now very much afraid that it may not matter what he said on 10 March .
14 Even the best laid plans sometimes go wrong and it may occasionally be necessary for you to overdraw your account .
15 That price is too high and it may be destroying what is left of the game .
16 The danger here is that , although things may be pleasant for the workers , the incentive to work very hard is not so direct and it may not be possible to maintain a competitive position in comparison with the same industry in a developing country .
17 Often the outfall will be off-site and it may be necessary to provide a storm water sewer of over a mile to achieve an outfall acceptable to the water authority .
18 The reason for this is not clear but it may relate to the more recent stress associated with handling and anaesthesia for irradiation .
19 Not only will this make the water unpleasant but it may cause leakages if the corrosion goes right through the cistern .
20 This particular idea , unpromising though it may seem when reduced to words , is put by Britten to astonishingly fruitful use in the course of the opera .
21 The object of the attentions of Tory apparatchiks — and ministers — is the new policy on employment law , moderate and sensible as it may seem .
22 Though consent is undeniably a defence to an action for conversion , there are difficulties in reconciling this result , sensible as it may seem , with general principles of agency , for since Y's act was unauthorised it could only be effective if done within an ostensible authority — but that doctrine is inapplicable to undisclosed agency .
23 Interesting though it may be to learn that there is a narrative-discourse-paragraph-introductory-particle in Huichol or Shipibo , it becomes decidedly less interesting when one discovers that the identification of the significance of these particles depends on a prior identification of the paragraph as a unit in which ‘ the speaker continues talking about the same thing ’ ( Grimes , 1975 : 103 ) .
24 Primitive as it may have been , the scolds ' cage had its desired effect .
25 Perhaps what Wordsworth is trying to say is not as unorthodox as it may sound .
26 Now the ration per airman , meagre as it may have been , was four times for an officer — ie 4lb every other day , The coal compounds were side by side , and whilst the officers ' compound was generally well filled .
27 This is not as mystical as it may sound , for it means that Christ has priority over our lives , our careers , our relationships , and over the meaning of our identities .
28 It was not as altruistic as it may have looked .
29 Thymectomy has previously been reported to be of benefit in ulcerative colitis , but it is possible that it may also have a beneficial effect in Crohn 's disease .
30 In fact , that situation is even more confusing than it may seem from this account because a third cultural trauma , this time representing the change from cultivation ( of plants ) to herding and pastoralism also occurred and brought with it a great intensification , not of weaning as happened with cultivation , nor of the phallic mutilations which accompanied hunting , but of toilet-training .
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