Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed this is so clear that I sometimes wonder why so much effort usually goes into attempting to prove it .
2 The flat in West Kensington was really only three large , formerly elegant rooms , with ceilings so high that I often gaped at the room 's proportions , as if I were in a derelict cathedral .
3 ‘ — and I was placed between Harry Burrows and Piers Langley and they told me all about hunting round here and really it was so interesting that I hardly noticed what we ate , some sort of fish and pheasant I think and , oh yes , there was an ice but by that stage , you know , I did n't have the smallest corner to put in so much as a mouthful — ’
4 I like the bones best because they 're interesting and I never thought people were buried up here .
5 So you 're feeling relaxed and comfortable and good because you 're telling me , you know , what a great tennis player I am and I really enjoy it , you 've just given me a couple of names that I 'll either make a note of or I 'll say that 's interesting cos I actually deal with Joe on a business relationship anyway erm maybe we could meet some other people from the tennis club , self employed people , professional people such as yourself , who might be interested in looking at financial planning but today I 'm more interested in talking about you Bill , erm we 'll come back to them a bit later if I may so let's press on .
6 ‘ But she 's wrong and I just know I 'm right , ’ he vowed .
7 I wish I was wrong and I still had my pension .
8 But passions were running high and I also think the conference did want to give our present Prime Minister a feeling of support . ’
9 My daughter 's now 10 months old and I still have n't started my periods again .
10 It is only 12 months old and I now wish to purchase a modulator to convert it to a colour monitor for use with a domestic TV set .
11 Then I come cantering through Sherwood To set Maid Marion free And I really believe I 'm Robin Hood And the Sheriff 's my enemy .
12 God knows why , because I was n't entertaining and I never went in pubs , but it seemed a good idea at the time .
13 I suppose it 's hecause I ca n't do anything uninterrupted and I still ca n't get used to that .
14 spliced And I sure am grateful for the
15 The squash had an undertaste that I could n't identify but it was n't unpleasant and I happily drank it .
16 During my first stay in China in 1984 , it was very rare indeed to see young people holding hands in public and I clearly remember the expressions of shock when a student dared to ask , in a packed lecture hall , if students in Britain were allowed to ‘ talk love ’ .
17 Neither the probate line of cases nor the donor line of cases is appropriate to apply to the present situation which is entirely different and I respectfully agree with the observations of Staughton L.J .
18 it 's funny cos I just I thought ooh , I 'll buy it for her cos you know she does n't
19 Personally , I always avoid fishing the corners of waters : I may be wrong but I simply feel that bream avoid such places .
20 Well it 's just that I may be totally wrong but I just read it first when you read it first it 's like its prey in the light if you see what I mean .
21 No , I know , I do n't mean owt , owt wrong but I just ca n't remember these two names , I do n't know why , there 's something I 've never been able to , cos I 've always said to you ai n't I ?
22 He said later : ‘ They do n't think there 's anything broken but I definitely wo n't be riding tomorrow . ’
23 I do think it 's interesting but I just er
24 I 'd , it 's funny because I always wanted a girl
25 It 's very very funny because I actually laughed about it when I listened to it on tape first of all and I felt well maybe
26 I slightly lengthened my stride , feeling self-conscious as I always do if I find myself marching in step with martial music , when I deliberately break step and try to walk between the beats , as it were , in as unmilitary a way as possible .
27 Two : that you found my mind as exciting as I certainly found yours .
28 And she 's not as old as me either .
29 I suspect there are few poems which are able to make a youthful reader feel at close hand the desperation of the old as I perhaps am able to grasp having read such a beautiful piece of work .
30 ’ Do n't make me sound as old as I sometimes feel . ’
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