Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 With ( 1 ) – ( 3 ) , it is clear that reference with he , she , or they is possible .
2 Opinion poll results showed that he was consistently more popular than Bolger with the electorate , and many commentators expected him to launch a challenge for the party leadership .
3 For this is the Tetley Bitterworld of BIVOUAC , slightly inbred young Middle Englanders who would much rather plod their way to the top than dance with Nirvana , learns KEITH ‘ Plodcore ’ CAMERON .
4 Southwards , the gentle hills of Hoy crowd the horizon ; northwards lies Loch of Stenness , bobbed white with graceful mute swans , shores edged emerald and gold with seaweed .
5 To assess the relation between two risk factors for cervical neoplasia : smoking and infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus .
6 The interior is dark due to the coloured glass in the narrow windows , the wealth of Baroque ornamentation and the deep colours of blues , reds , brown and gold with which vaults , walls and arcade are painted .
7 of The Capital Hotel in London near Harrods , has furnished the town house bedrooms in a variety of styles , but the most memorable are decorated with distinctive Ralph Lauren fabrics and wall coverings in warm shades of brown and burgundy with red and green detail .
8 Male ( Ruff ) in summer with ruff and ear tufts quite unmistakable ; whole plumage very variable , almost any combination of black , white , rufous brown and buff with bars and streaks , ruff usually differing from ear tufts .
9 Indeed all sections of the exhibition struck me as exciting and thought-provoking with the exception of the ceramics section which is mediocre .
10 The first truly mind-boggling band to come straight outta Ipswich , BLEACH are subversive , anti-artwank , cathartic and in-your-face with a FULL STOP .
11 It 's possible that trade with China in the Middle Ages and later may have caused the genes of the two types to mix somewhat , but they definitely did mix in another way .
12 organised by an individual or group with separate responsibility for this area :
13 organised by an individual or group with responsibility for this area among a number of others , but not for the whole course programme :
14 Levels of employment and unemployment and the easy or difficulty with which people find jobs can vary a great deal from place to place as well as from year to year , and so our tasks are always changing and developing — something you will notice and should n't be surprised by .
15 Again for sweaters , little crescent moons and stars scattered over the fabric makes a very pretty design , as does one big intarsia crescent moon which again can be classically simple or fun with a face on it .
16 The Crown argued that , in the same way a deliberate cross-check to the back of the neck might exceed the implied consent to risk of injury in a hockey game , the known presence of HIV is so inherently dangerous that sex with someone who is HIV positive extends beyond the norm of conduct to which one can validly consent .
17 There are two broad types of IMT : purely information-based and information with transaction facilities .
18 This picturesque village is situated in a delph valley on the Yorkshire Wolds and centres around the mere and church with an extension eastwards along Main Street .
19 His own fear clammying his T-shirt , Trent imagined the long terror the men would suffer , men with no experience of the sea set adrift in the pitch dark and drizzle with the swell building and the rising thunder of surf breaking on the reef ahead .
20 Lifestyles remained simple but identification with the masses was impossible if kids had to get a decent education .
22 They are very friendly and docile with those they know and trust and respond readily to sympathetic handling ( which , again , is characteristic of the zebu ) but the bulls can be as vicious and spiteful as any Spanish fighting bull .
23 Eye colours should be rich and dark with lips outlined in soft brown and filled in with nearly nude shades of coffee and cream .
24 By this time , the mixture should be rich and pulpy with very little liquid .
25 Another significant development emerging from the second survey is the extent of joint working and collaboration with other agencies .
26 Clientele is Scandinavian and English with a mix of ages .
27 The rooms are spacious and light with large windows .
28 The rooms are spacious and light with refreshing colour schemes .
29 Tangy and crisp with a fruity flavour we quite liked this one , although we were less than impressed with the look of the bottle .
30 All these sauce-boats were low and flat-bottomed with waved or scooped rims and concave sides , later followed by examples with a rounded body , spout and handle ; the low foot rim being developed into a short stem .
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