Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently there 'd been this girl , Spanish or Portuguese I think , and Ollie had been giving her private lessons at his flat , and he thought she fancied him , and he 'd had a couple of Special Brews at the time and thought she was just shy , and then he tried kissing her , and it 's the old , old , sordid story , is n't it ?
2 However careful or expert you are , other people can still injure you , so if you want to be a pregnant skier , ask your doctor/specialist and then assess the risk — holiday vs baby .
3 I had no idea how old and crotchety she 'd become over the last few years . ’
4 During the fever brought on by wounds , forced marches , wet and cold he had dreamed many odd and discomforting things , but never anything like this .
5 I think you 're pretty good at english and punctuation I think well you tell me what do you think you 've got to concentrate on ?
6 it 's male or female you see .
7 ‘ Childcare is increasingly becoming a necessity and not the optional extra or luxury it may once have been considered , ’ said Coun Frank Robson , chairman of the council 's personnel sub-committee .
8 In indicating content and method they spawn ‘ approved ’ material of all kinds which , if used , serves to protect the individual teacher from any criticism which might arise were he or she to follow a more tangential or personalised approach to meeting curriculum goals .
9 So God created man in his own image , in the image of God created he them ; male and female he created them .
10 ‘ So God created man in his own image , in the image of God he created him ; male and female he created them ’ ( Genesis 1:27 ) .
11 If the pilot then rolls out of the turn to fly straight and level he may feel that he is now turning in the opposite direction , and compensatory eye movements which involuntarily accompany such a feeling may blur vision and make attitude checking difficult , with possible disorientation and loss of aircraft control .
12 I know , you 're as scatty as mummy you are !
13 And if we are not looking for something which is as restrictive as greenbelt we ought neither to be expressing in whatever terms a presumption or describing something which is permissible as an exception .
14 IF BUSINESS were as simple as sport it would now be possible to present a league table for the 1989 season , showing games played and points won and leaving one company out on top .
15 Words , like death , like time or distance preserve love ; fragrant as pot-pourri she scents my bed by night , my brain by day .
16 It was n't like any other sickening or illness she had known .
17 Since with rare exceptions gold was so much more valuable than silver it was generally preferred for fine jewellery ( Plate D ) .
18 And Pitt-Rivers was the first civil servant given the difficult job of persuading landowners that they ought to stop dealing with their property as they thought fit and hand it over to the control of a state agency .
19 She tries to find a way through and because she 's patient and understanding she gets there .
20 Smooth and firm it had been under her own nervous touch , and she watched Miguel 's muscles , catching the sunlight as he dismounted and reached up to help her .
21 Crush a sugar lump and add it to the brandy in which the raisins were soaked ; warm the mixture , set it alight and drizzle it over the pudding just before bringing to table .
22 Far more than cold and darkness it is the lack of butterflies that makes winter dreary and interminable .
23 Last night in the cold and dark we failed to fix it properly again , and when I wake up there is snow all over us and our kit .
24 Yeah , especially when it 's cold and dark you do n't want it , you can have an extra half hour in bed , .
25 Soft as butter 'e is .
26 The receiver unit needs to face the business end of mouse , but if your desk is as cluttered as mine you will quickly see how problematical this could end up being .
27 The King , who had not forgotten the sermons of Andrewes , told Parliament that ‘ Princes are not bound to give account of their actions but to God alone ’ and that ‘ Parliaments are altogether in my power for their calling , sitting and dissolution ; as I find the fruits of them to be good or evil they are to continue or not to be . ’
28 ‘ Now , it had been years since I had seen Bartholomew Burghgesh and I considered him long dead , yet I am sure that man I glimpsed that cold December morning was Sir Bartholomew himself .
29 β Blockers may be less effective than angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors in reducing microalbuminuria because they are less effective in reducing angiotensin II production .
30 They 're not angst-ridden outsiders and they exhibit no signs of the burgeoning self-importance , self-pity and self-aggrandisement we became so used to during John Hughes ' years as Tycoon of Teen .
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