Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Climbing up to the right and beyond Cow Dub , I followed the beck , dry where it had drained away through the limestone but flowing where the bands of sandstone outcropped , until on the open fell the limestone gave way to glacial moraine and the beck gurgled noisily back down towards Cow Dub .
2 I think it 's a stigma that a lot of men feel they ca n't show that they 're depressed or they 've got a problem so they 'll pick up a ph , a phone .
3 I do rather resent it when there are other council committees , there 's Town Hall Strategy Working Party in the afternoon , now if we 're going to be sure that we can all get to this without conflict with other committees , erm I had to be there on behalf of the Lord Mayor because she had duties , erm and I was very sorry not to be able to come , because I have dealt , visited many occupational , I wanted to visit the officers , and you know , it is n't always possible where you have a conflict of interests .
4 And you know what I wanted , some Fairly liquid or they 've got ta go up and get it .
5 Perhaps you 're exhausted where you 've had a gear problem .
6 When they 're pregnant or they 've got a little baby .
7 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
8 The curtains were wet where they had been sucked into the fringe of the deluge .
9 He escaped in his pyjamas , and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch , but he was in good spirits .
10 So we 've been up for some time cos the arms are wet where he 'd been sucking it !
11 Moreover , hospital early discharge schemes have been slow to develop , yet are immensely popular where they have taken root .
12 The often mentioned ‘ crisis ’ in British broadcasting — ‘ crisis ’ , in Gouldner 's phrase , being that the system ‘ may , relatively soon , become something quite different than it has been ’ — thus acts as a backdrop for numerous contemporary analyses of broadcasting .
13 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
14 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
15 One of them gesticulated to us and , using harsh , staccato Russian ( which neither of us understood ) and rather violent stabs into the air , made it very clear that we had taken a dangerous route over the ice and that we were very stupid indeed .
16 After we reduced the parts to three , it became clear that we had to remove the work from the centre and reduce it to two elements , which would hold the volumes of the north and the south galleries and make a linkage across the Octagon activating the entire space .
17 She took the packet with some fussy excitement , and she was clearly a little relieved when we made it clear that we had no intention of staying or seeking entrance .
18 Only you made it clear that we had no future . ’
19 To be engaged in the same strategy , we need to be clear that we have fully entered into this same understanding .
20 Whether or not this is true of all of us , it is clear that we have the ability to react , when the situation demands it , to the unspoken sound of a written text .
21 Yet it is soon clear that we have to see Godwin himself within a much wider and more general social formation .
22 If ever a comparative survey of the I.Q. of the nations of the world was undertaken , there would be no particular surprise if we came top of the league table : It is as clear that we have the ability to solve our problems as to win the only battle that really counted in World War II — the last one !
23 I have made it clear that we have made decisions for the future structure of the Army that will result in a higher proportion of the Army overall being drawn from Scotland — I imagine that the hon. Gentleman will welcome that .
24 I can not comment on details of the negotiations because I do not know the details of what is actually happening today , but it is quite clear that we have been arguing that matters affecting foreign policy should continue to be decided under the auspices of intergovernmental co-operation .
25 It is clear that we have not only substantially increased expenditure on the national health service but that we are the only party proposing credible reforms , the results of which are already showing .
26 It is quite clear that we have a climate for recovery in this country , with falling unit labour costs , inflation below the European Community average and interest rates fully competitive with those of our competitors .
27 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has made it clear that we have no intention of raising the rate of VAT either before or after the election .
28 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has made it perfectly clear that we have no intention of increasing VAT .
29 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
30 It seems clear that they had corresponded during 1796 , and by the time they met again at Stowey they were well acquainted with each other 's work .
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