Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But then , do the French , Spanish or Italians have a word for it ?
2 Pupils know which keywords to use to find information since the keywords are part of their classwork and this helps to prevent lengthy and potentially confusing or searches designed to solve the problems of synonyms .
3 Now , each member at the Technical or Requirements level — be they shareholder , vendor , ISV or user — will get to cast a single vote in the respective workgroups .
4 Mr Ashdown will give warning tomorrow , in two television interviews and in his party 's last election broadcast , that an attempt by either Labour or Tories to go it alone in a hung Parliament would end in disaster .
5 Only rarely do they arise with braided line , or in the sophisticated Kevlar or Spectra twist .
6 When demand is high or prices increase there is a tendency to cultivate marginal areas , but when the economic situation reverses the opposite trend occurs and cultivation focuses on the most productive land .
7 Nitrate concentrations beneath the edges are very low — even lower ( less than 1 milligram of NO&sub3/N per litre ) than beneath unfertilised grassland — but they are high near the centre , and particularly high where trees have fallen : this releases large quantities of nitrate .
8 It was clear that things had improved considerably in recent weeks and that this could be seen as a consequence of her having taken the tablets .
9 As in a modern context it is immediately clear that students find it hard to combine study with a full-time job ; so , addressing a would-be contemplative , the Cloud-author explains his view that it is impossible for man to pursue the discipline of meditation and study unless he first ceases external activity , and impossible to come to mystical knowledge of God if the mind is engaged in discursive thought .
10 The ‘ fashion ’ phase of recent years seems to be over , and it is clear that planners have to justify their place in the agency by their value to the agency and its clients .
11 When the paper introduced direct input in 1986 it was clear that articles created electronically could be stored the same way .
12 Paragraphs 474–489 of the Latey Report make it clear that doctors felt difficulty in accepting the consent of someone under 21 ( the then age of majority ) to medical treatment , even though parental consent might be unobtainable or , for reasons of the minor 's privacy , undesirable .
13 It is already clear that trusts to hand over objects or to free slaves could be enforced in specie under the auspices of the magistrate whose cognitio was involved .
14 Whatever the outcome , it 's clear that affairs shake marriages — often to their roots .
15 However , it is clear that benefits help to reduce income inequality .
16 But once you 're up and running it soon becomes clear that networks let you do a whole host of other things .
17 Sometimes it is clear that siblings do not like each other .
18 It became clear that prostaglandins have a prominent role in tissue inflammation , as well as in such diverse functions as blood clotting and contraction of the uterus .
19 Despite the ambiguity of the statistical debate , it is clear that advertisers do play a part in the lives of our media .
20 It is clear that ratepayers have standing to challenge a wide variety of decisions , including expenditure decisions , by local authorities ; whereas it is clear from the Fleet Street Casuals case that the right of taxpayers to challenge decisions of the Revenue concerning the tax liability of other taxpayers , let alone to challenge policy decisions of central government , is limited .
21 It is now clear that hominoids emerged in East Africa , presumably showing behaviour similar to but diverging from that of other ape-like creatures .
22 There is no one right way to behave , but it is clear that teenagers suffer when parents overprotect , as well as when they leave them to their own devices and appear not to care .
23 It is clear that practitioners need a framework to help them manage this process , to produce a degree of consistency of purpose , scope , and content of assessment across different practitioners , whilst also enabling the assessment process to be adapted flexibly to individual people and their circumstances .
24 As these variables were , in turn , closely linked with economic change , it is clear that historians need to look critically at the position of women within the household and the labour market .
25 The accident estimates from Study 2 as shown in Table 4.6 make it clear that subjects do rely on the precise conditions in the film viewed when making accident estimates for a junction , even though most subjects previously knew the junctions concerned .
26 A preliminary exploratory questionnaire study made it clear that subjects find it very difficult to give accident figures unless they have some anchors for their estimates .
27 At the commencement of the tournament it was made clear that referees had been instructed to apply Laws 18 and 19 .
28 It would seem sensible that strategies to help Sheffield , with the recent and very sudden collapse of its steel industry , may not be able to assist Liverpool or Newcastle , where steel has never been an important industry and where decline has been long-term .
29 Both of them were so beautifully and evenly brown that clothes seemed superfluous .
30 Feeling on the close-knit estate was running so high that officers took the grandmother away for her own safety .
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