Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , but one of them I 'll sign in your presence Maisie and her twenty year old son , not hundred per cent happy about it , I 'd prefer older people cos youngest like that are inclined try to put their music on a bit loud or invite their friends in when mum 's away , you know , and .
2 ARE Soaps just right or do you think we need more fun ?
3 The employers acknowledged that management should accept responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce them .
4 Let us go , says the second proposition , and find somebody else , some wise man who will be able to answer the unanswerable , who can tell us which are the sheep who can properly raise their prices , and which the goats who ought to keep their prices stable or lower them ; and then , when he tells us , we will all go and scream blue murder at the goats and make them thoroughly ashamed and sorry for themselves .
5 … neither suffer them through negligence to mould and be moth-eaten or want their strings and covers .
6 Do you think that 's , do you think that 's what what you 've experienced there , do you think that 's untypical or do you think that 's a fairly good example of of of life in that part of Westerhailes ?
7 Amidst this confusion , my view of ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ as a hyperlucid footnote to Crime and Punishment , as misconceived crisis and clarity , needs justifying : the very point of Stavrogin 's scattering of ‘ reasons ’ is that he and his document shall not come clear or clinch anything .
8 Do n't get your hopes too high or let yourself get too carried away after all you know what people are like .
9 Respect for their seniors was near the top of the list … however high or humble they might be .
10 So be it when I shall grow old or let me die .
11 In short , related to a factual statement is a certain belief of which both those who utter it and those who assent to it express or exhibit their acceptance .
12 Bearing that in mind , it is tolerably clear that conduct which is itself tortious is always unlawful means .
13 There is little to be gained from refusing to do so , but if you object to the warning for some reason , you should make that clear and pursue your rights under the appeals procedure .
14 Your skin is like creamy blossom and your eyes are so clear and grey they can see into the soul .
15 ‘ It was only intended as a short-term measure , ’ Schaffer objected , ‘ to keep the valley clear and give us the best possible chance for a manhunt . ’
16 People come up to them daily and thank them for helping with ‘ the best thing that 's happened to the valley in decades . ’
17 Continue to weigh yourself daily and mark your weight into the chart each day .
18 In the legal context , we need to feel that the prohibitions of laws , in the way they are defined and in the way they are applied , are justifiable and influence us all equally ( or , again , if they do not , that they discriminate on acceptable grounds ) .
19 If you forget , the helicopter will resume flying crabwise and give you a fairly gentle reminder .
20 Failing that , make Punch a monthly instead of a weekly and charge us more .
21 I have to work at keeping slim and limit my favourite food , a Cuban recipe of fried bananas !
22 His stomach was churning but he knew he could elude her if only he could remain calm and call her bluff .
23 If you feel that the doctor regards you as an overanxious or ‘ difficult ’ parent , then try to stay calm and state your case clearly .
24 He had spent three weeks since his wedding trying to remain calm and continue his studies , but with the disturbing picture of Tess always in his mind .
25 One significant measure that any mother with a colicky baby should take is to stop smoking and get their partners to stop .
26 Les had a health scare two years ago and was ordered to cut down on drinking , stop smoking and reduce his weight from 15 stone .
27 After his last heart scare two years ago , Manchester-born Les was ordered to cut down his drinking , stop smoking and reduce his weight from 15 stone .
28 ‘ There is no magic solution to this issue and employees who smoke will need to harness their own willpower , but the ban could be the kind of incentive that some smokers have been waiting for to help them reduce or stop smoking and improve their general health . ’
29 It is a shambles , which has resulted in local government being undermined and the role of the local community being seen as a threat rather than as a partner trying to rebuild broken economies , help the unemployed and do something about essential services .
30 This is OK and remember there is no ‘ right ’ way to feel , or to find support .
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