Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 When the rosy spectacles are laid aside , it is clear that what to the husband and children can be a refreshing hobby — after all they are more often than not the consumers , not the producers , of the home-made jam — to the wife can be another variant of the natural mother image and in everyday terms can mean longer than ever hours at the chopping board .
2 The pathologist had also been working since the previous afternoon , a task many would find horribly gruesome but which to him was more full of detective fascination than any other he could imagine .
3 Boll would be in the Directors ' dining room , Basil would have gone to see his cronies in A area , Wayne would have gone out with those as young and limited as himself to the Hind 's Head in the village , Carol would be in the canteen wittering with the other Clerical Assistants and her husband .
4 Their careless , feckless , irresponsible father was gone and though he contributed little or nothing to their care or well-being while he lived , his going left an enormous gap in each of their lives .
5 It was proof that what had meant so much to her meant little or nothing to him .
6 Past the twins of Camp 4 and Camp 10 , one to the left and one to the right of the single track line .
7 Like getting wrapped up in the Masai , getting wrapped up in Indirect Rule was not inherently a passive occupation ; it seems in retrospect extraordinary that something to which so much energy was in fact devoted should ever have been perceived as a sign of imperial decrepitude .
8 Spring , our particular spring , is always late and something to be talked about .
9 He knew exactly why the Curator had asked him in to see the eagle — a most unusual thing for someone as unimportant as him to be called in personally in this way .
10 The objector is forgetting its point ; it is both provisional and one to be argued over .
11 This is why Hugh Clifford , who was as committed as anyone to indirection , could come to Northern Nigeria in 1921 and be appalled by the state of administrative dereliction which he found there .
12 As soon as it was bright enough , he took out notepaper and wrote two letters — one to Arty and one to Lily .
13 It could be said that the We/ Us/Our form is rather a mode of self-description when the poet wishes to present his beloved and himself to the world ( as shown by Donne in the Songs and Sonnets ) , and that Shakespeare prefers to keep the relationship on an interpersonal level .
14 It is not easy in a country as hierarchically inclined as ours to continually question authority in a constructive way .
15 Undoubtedly one of the best ways the overseas student has of seeing what is required in British theatre training is to apply for one of the summer schools offered by the drama schools , and find out what it 's all about before committing him- or herself to a long and expensive stay .
16 In a contract of sale , other than one to which subsection ( 3 ) below applies , there is an implied condition on the part of the seller that in the case of a sale he has a right to sell the goods , and in the case of an agreement to sell he will have such a right at the time when the property is to pass .
17 In a contract of sale , other than one to which subsection ( 3 ) below applies , there is also an implied warranty that —
18 Finite mind within the world also advances dialectically , from undifferentiated consciousness through objective awareness of things other than itself to the act of understanding in which the subject/object dichotomy is overcome .
19 Two days ago , a Cabinet Minister here invited a black South African and me to morning tea in his office .
20 The phenomenon of the bulk of the population surviving infancy and living well into their 70s and 80s is quite new and something to be proud of .
21 ‘ I know for a fact that you were as close as anyone to what was going on between us , the Americans and Poland during the Cold War .
22 Sunderland 's home record is excellent and Albion came as close as anyone to frustrating them .
23 School friends who spent their summer holidays at the shieling have assured me that the cows were as alert as they to the seasons and the signs of preparation .
24 no one was more surprised than me to be
25 Ramsey 's confirmation as the new Archbishop of York was held at Lambeth on 13 March 1956 and was marked by one of those protests which to the outsider are amusing and which to the subject of the protest are vexatious .
26 They had to be more than willing , and as ready as he to part without hard feelings afterwards .
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