Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Nasturtium seeds are edible and are known as ‘ poor man 's capers ’ .
32 The second target is more demanding and was blocked by MITI on the grounds that Japan is already an efficient user of energy whose emissions of gaseous carbons are the third lowest in the industrial world .
33 It is very interesting and is linked to the work we have been carrying out .
34 It 's very interesting and is linked to the work we 've been carrying out . ’
35 The replies to this question were interesting and were given with no prompting .
36 Safflower oil is very light and is used extensively in low-fat and special diet foods .
37 The row behind leaned forward to ask what was so funny and were told the story .
38 The Camargue of the Rhône delta is quite unlike other French cattle : it is black or brown and is bred in feral herds known as manades .
39 I wondered idly if he had done something wrong and been demoted .
40 Aerotow problems usually arise because the pilot ignores the possibility of something going wrong and is caught by surprise .
41 Effectively the sequence is that the person in default is told what is wrong and is required to put it right .
42 The Langrake , named Carlos , is over six feet high and is believed ( by Paul and Helen ) to be the last survivor of its breed .
43 The bronze obelisk is 22 metres high and is decorated with the names of the dead of the Five Days together with a group of five weary people symbolizing both the period and the spirit of the Milanese .
44 Caustic losses were very high and were rising .
45 Nyerere 's reputation as an individual remains high and was reinforced by his decision to resign as president in late 1985 .
46 The door stood over ten metres high and was made of a silvery metal .
47 It was reported at the time that ten or more navvies met their death fighting and falling from scaffolding as this tunnel is unusually high and was built to accommodate double tracks .
48 1 ) Aluminium — Your baby must be approximately one year old and been fed for at least six months on soya infant formula or have been breastfed and received no soya products .
49 In towns and cities which are occupied for long periods of time , there is a continuous process of old buildings being demolished and levelled for the construction of new ones , which in turn become old and are demolished .
50 I am dying to that old life , to that old self and I am following in this new life , and therefore , I am going through this , this symbolic act of being baptized , of dying to the old and being raised a new life in Jesus Christ .
51 I was then twenty years old and was asked to take charge of the Walsall business .
52 The child was perhaps a year old and was engaged in beating his — or it might have been her — mother about the shoulders with tiny chubby fists .
53 Most of the building was old and was covered in dark green ivy , but some of it had been built more recently and was of grim , black stone .
54 He was 56 years old and was heading for his magnificent home in Warwickshire , Kenilworth Castle .
55 We were ten years old and were evacuated from Heyworth Street School , Everton , Liverpool .
56 Nowadays they get in free and are given VIP passes ( access to all areas ) , but tonight the five mates with whom they 've driven the 150 miles from Southport have all been refused entry by the Ritzy 's management for being under 20 .
57 Marco had worked his arms free and was trying to get up on his knees .
58 Actually I had lots of days free and was making the most of the best weather conditions for years .
59 Her eyes opened and she saw that he had tugged a long strand of hair free and was playing it between his fingers .
60 Anyone on the verge of being clapped into the loony bin as one more pathetic case of cold coffee dementia can telephone the firm free and be saved .
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