Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Whether your baby grows up to be right or left-handed may not be just a matter of chance or heredity .
2 And the they used to when they would speak Orcadian among their their pals and then when they when they were playing games all the kids the Orcadian ones whether they were Orcadian or not would adopt this American drawl and they all spoke like that .
3 Whether these compromises are acceptable or not will be up to those of us parting with our money !
4 It is important to realise that divine impassibility is an aspect of God 's immutability , that God is utter perfection and completely self-sufficient and therefore can not be subject to change .
5 A shame , a shambles , a fiasco and a farce ; that 's the damming verdict on this year 's Grand National and the arguments about what went wrong and why will be running for longer than the race .
6 Some cases might be summed up as ‘ What have they been doing wrong and how can they be put right ? ’
7 It is thus both a ‘ What have they been doing wrong and how can it be put right ? ’ and a ‘ Which way should they go now ? ’ case .
8 A Rottweiler who is both biddable and hard will have the true Rottweiler character .
9 The number of modules which are offline records the number of modules which are offline and therefore can not be hard copied .
10 For simplicity , we assume that both relationships are linear and so can be drawn as straight lines as in Fig. 3 .
11 They had chanced upon a look which was popular and yet could be varied in dozens of different ways ; the neck could be scooped , V-shaped or square , the sleeves could be full , tight or removed altogether ( so that it became a pinafore ) , and the waistline could be moved up or down .
12 An example of Wimsatt 's ( 1958 : 147 — 8 ) is what he calls the metaphor , and many would call the simile , in the last line of this passage from Donne 's ‘ A Valediction : forbidding mourning ’ ( like Eliot , the New Critics were particularly attached to the Metaphysical poets ) : The comparison between the lovers ' separation and the hammering of gold into leaf-form brings together two terms which are clearly quite different and therefore might justifiably be described as opposites ; and the conjunction of meanings thus established creates a series of connections ( the relationship between the separated lovers is like gold leaf in that it is ethereal ( ‘ ayery ’ ) , delicate , easily damaged , but at the same time precious , pure , bright , etc. ) , which when related to real experience possesses considerable illuminating force .
13 ‘ Even if such measures are painful and certainly should not be the only way to cut costs , an analysis of the present economic situation in our most important markets leaves no other choice , ’ he said .
14 One way is to change the angle of the shot so that the light comes cross-wise and hence will not be reflected straight back to the camera .
15 how would you think the weather , I mean we 're being a bit flippant but how will the weather affect the Pisan team ?
16 It is doubtful whether much can be gained by trying to achieve any greater precision than that suggested in the definitions above .
17 Some groups of consonants sound similar and therefore could easily be misheard , they look different and feel different when you say them .
18 Notice first that I have implied a tradeoff , which should be made more explicit and later will be explored in additional detail .
19 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
20 This involves a major change in shape , for the cells that will form the gut are a small patch on the outside and so must move inwards ; this infolding of the wall will move right across the hollow interior to meet the wall on the other side where the mouth will form .
21 Of course , she 'd be delighted and so would I , since I 've got to be there .
22 Relationships between staff and family are not always easy and indeed may seem to become competitive .
23 I do n't find that easy and never will .
24 We know in our hearts money is worthless but how can we escape its tyranny : how begin afresh to judge ourselves and one another ?
25 Some of the attempts at peacemaking the churches in Ireland are making may seem worrying may seem politically subversive but how will we respond to the longing for peace to the desire for reconciliation for the hope the stakes that will result in a permanent and just solution ?
26 He said other Budget changes would affect only the rich and yet would increase the RPI and so benefits based on the RPI would be raised .
27 ‘ We needed to identify an enterprise which was more stable and yet would fit in with my experience as a farmer , ’ said Mr Singleton .
28 The paragon of all these virtues is a rare animal — but thankfully is not extinct and hopefully will continue to breed .
29 Conciliation officers are often reluctant to express an opinion about the likelihood of success before the tribunal , but will make clear an opinion whether the case appears to them one which is strong or weak and so ought to settle .
30 my Lord all that follows now is that question costs in this my Lord there is no doubt that er this is the painful experience for both the plaintiffs and of course for doctor who is unrepresented and therefore must inevitably feel rather isolated in this matter erm , however in my there is no reason to er depart from the usual principal of the costs which should follow the event and of course we know as it the loss on the subsidiary appeal and so I do n't press the point on that cos the reality as you 've already probably anticipated is all the work has been done erm on this appeal the subsidiary appeal I ask , I do n't ask for costs on that , in my submission it should be both sides bear their own costs on that , the reason I say that is that there was no , there was no cross appearing in respect on it in effect , cos after all , all you were doing was er trying to get the same as the other side if we lost , so no worm of can of beans can be done by doctor I had one parallel in my whole skeleton on that , er , but we have substantially succeeded on the main issue and so I , I would ask that costs in favour of the plaintiffs on , on that and here and indeed below .
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