Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] be [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's quite clear which is which in Burke 's Peerage .
2 Above all Wilko is pro-football which is what counts .
3 If he wanted to act like an uncivilized person-which is what he must be and you could see it clearer all the time-then let him alone .
4 The sisters-in-law used to refer to themselves as Mary and Elizabeth , but they were never quite sure which was which , although big Bruce Mackenzie was quite sure — ‘ that there was nothing bloody immaculate about Tina 's conception , I can tell you that ! ’
5 He 's as well sit pushing papers around pretending to be busy but drawing the salary than being made redundant which is what ought to be happening .
6 The presence of otters means the river is healthy which is what the NRA wants .
7 Whatever the policy , it 's vital to check details to be sure it 's what you want .
8 ‘ Are yer sure it 's what that geezer said it was ? ’
9 Make quite sure it 's what we both want … ? ’
10 We 'll have a look at today 's paper and make sure it 's what that time it 's on .
11 You see , the real issue for Pilate was n't what he was gon na do with Jesus , as far as the cross was concerned it was what he was gon na do with Jesus as far as his life was concerned .
12 So far as the B T U Tax is concerned , erm it 's really a political issue as to where the administration or the Congress in the end decide to place the tax , I mean in very simple terms the nearer you place it to the consumer , the more effective it is , but the less politically palatable it is which because consumers vote and oil companies do n't an and so er I think it will be political pressure to push it nearer to the well head which will be less good for the oil and gas producers .
13 You 're on er red which is what number was red by the way can we remember what number red was ?
14 So this leads to a kind of erm stratigraphic view of the mind , with the unconscious , which is everything that is permanently excluded from conscious consciousness by repression , the pre-conscious which is what is not currently conscious but is accessible to consciousness , you can recall it in other words , and the conscious is what you 're presently aware of .
15 So it 'll be tan again but his time we 'll have tan fifty is equal to one twenty over the adjacent which is what we 're trying to find .
16 And the other one is what 's on the front ?
17 Very intent he is what 's your dad doing ?
18 suppose they have to match the pattern otherwise it does look quite silly which is what they 've done in here , they have n't matched the patterns that wall there is it , it ai n't joined
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